
# helper variable to remember user's IDE choice between function calls
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', '_CodeOrVisualStudioRefactor')]
$Script:_CodeOrVisualStudioRefactor = $null

function Assert-RefactorFile {

            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The refactor definition"
        [GenXdev.Helpers.RefactorDefinition] $RefactorDefinition,
            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 1,
            HelpMessage = "The path to the sourcefile to improve"
        [string] $Path,
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "Switch to only edit the AI prompt"
        [switch] $EditPrompt

    begin {

        # prepare paths for scripts and modules
        $scriptsPath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path `
            "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\..\..\..\Scripts\" -CreateDirectory
        $modulesPath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path `
            "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\..\..\" -CreateDirectory
        $Path = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path $Path

        # extract settings from refactor definition
        $prompt = $RefactorDefinition.RefactorSettings.Prompt
        $promptKey = $RefactorDefinition.RefactorSettings.PromptKey

        # detect which IDE is currently active
        [System.Diagnostics.Process] $hostProcess = Get-PowershellMainWindowProcess
        $isCode = $hostProcess.Name -eq "Code"
        $isVisualStudio = $hostProcess.Name -eq "devenv"

        # if no active IDE found, check settings for preferred IDE
        if (-not ($isCode -or $isVisualStudio)) {

            # check code preference
            if ($RefactorDefinition.RefactorSettings.Code -ge 0) {
                $isCode = $RefactorDefinition.RefactorSettings.Code -eq 1

            # check visual studio preference
            if ($RefactorDefinition.RefactorSettings.VisualStudio -ge 0) {
                $isVisualStudio = $RefactorDefinition.RefactorSettings.VisualStudio -eq 1

            # attempt to find any running IDE as fallback
            if (-not ($isCode -or $isVisualStudio)) {

                Write-Verbose "Attempting to detect running IDE instances"

                # try to find VS Code
                [System.Diagnostics.Process] $hostProcess = Get-Process "Code" `
                    -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
                Sort-Object |
                Select-Object -First 1

                $isCode = $null -ne $hostProcess

                # try to find Visual Studio
                $hostProcess = Get-Process "devenv" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
                Sort-Object |
                Select-Object -First 1

                $isVisualStudio = $null -ne $hostProcess

        # prompt user to select IDE if no clear choice determined
        if (-not ($isCode -bxor $isVisualStudio)) {

            Write-Verbose "Prompting user to select IDE"
            $userAnswer = $null -ne $Script:_CodeOrVisualStudioRefactor ?
            $Script:_CodeOrVisualStudioRefactor :
                "Make a choice",
                "What IDE to use for refactoring?",
                @("Visual Studio &Code", "&Visual Studio"),

            $Script:_CodeOrVisualStudioRefactor = $userAnswer

            # set IDE flags based on user selection
            switch ($userAnswer) {
                0 {
                    $isCode = $true
                    $isVisualStudio = $false
                1 {
                    $isCode = $false
                    $isVisualStudio = $true

        # process prompt template if specified
        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($PromptKey)) {

            # determine appropriate prompt template path based on file location
            $promptFilePath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path `
                "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\Prompts\GenXdev.Coding.PowerShell.Modules\" `

            $promptFilePath = Join-Path $promptFilePath "Assert-$PromptKey.txt"

            # use script-specific template if file is in scripts folder
            if ($Path -like "$scriptsPath\*.ps1") {
                $promptFilePath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path `
                    "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\Prompts\GenXdev.Coding.PowerShell.Modules\" `
                    "Assert-$PromptKey-script.txt" -CreateFile

            # load template and replace placeholder
            $Prompt = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($promptFilePath).Replace(

        # replace template variables in prompt text
        $Prompt = $Prompt.Replace(

        $Prompt = $Prompt.Replace(
                ".Tests", ""

        $Prompt = $Prompt.Replace(
        $Prompt = $Prompt.Replace("`t", " ")

        if ($Path.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith($scriptsPath.ToLowerInvariant())) {

            $Prompt = $Prompt.Replace(

            $Prompt = $Prompt.Replace(
        else {

            $baseModuleName = "$($Path.Substring($modulesPath.Length + 1).Split("\")[0])"
            $functionsPath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path "$modulesPath\$baseModuleName\1.130.2025\Functions\" -CreateDirectory
            $testsPath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path "$modulesPath\$baseModuleName\1.130.2025\Tests\" -CreateDirectory

            if ($Path.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith($functionsPath.ToLowerInvariant())) {

                $Prompt = $Prompt.Replace(
                    "$($Path.Substring($functionsPath.Length + 1).Split("\")[0])"
            elseif ($Path.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith($testsPath.ToLowerInvariant())) {

                $Prompt = $Prompt.Replace(
                    "$($Path.Substring($testsPath.Length + 1).Split("\")[0])"
            else {

                $Prompt = $Prompt.Replace(

            $Prompt = $Prompt.Replace(

        $Prompt = $Prompt.Replace("`t", " ")

        # copy final prompt to clipboard
        $previousClipboard = Get-Clipboard
        $null = Set-Clipboard -Value $prompt

        Write-Verbose "Prepared prompt and copied to clipboard:"
        Write-Verbose $prompt

        # determine keyboard sequence based on IDE
        $keysToSend = $RefactorDefinition.RefactorSettings.KeysToSend

        if (($null -eq $keysToSend) -or ($keysToSend.Count -eq 0)) {

            # set default key sequences for each IDE
            if ($isCode) {

                $keysToSend = @("^``", "^+i", "^l", "^a", "{DELETE}", "^+i", "{ESCAPE}", "^{F12}", "^v", "{ENTER}")
            elseif ($isVisualStudio) {

                $keysToSend = @("^\", "^c", "^a", " {DELETE}", "^v", "{ENTER}")

    process {

        # exit if only editing prompt
        if ($EditPrompt) {

        Write-Verbose "Opening file in IDE for refactoring"

        # prepare parameters for IDE invocation
        $invocationParams = @{
            Path       = $Path
            KeysToSend = $keysToSend

        # add optional IDE parameters if specified
        $invocationParams.Code = $Code
        $invocationParams.VisualStudio = $VisualStudio

        # open file in selected IDE
        Open-SourceFileInIde @invocationParams

    end {

        # restore previous clipboard content
        $null = Set-Clipboard -Value $previousClipboard