################################################################################ <# .SYNOPSIS Continues or restarts a code refactoring session. .DESCRIPTION Manages code refactoring operations by processing refactor definitions in priority order. Handles file selection, progress tracking, error handling, and provides interactive user control over the refactoring process. .PARAMETER Name Name pattern(s) of refactors to process. Accepts wildcards. Default is "*". .PARAMETER FilesToAdd Files to include in the refactoring process. .PARAMETER FilesToRemove Files to exclude from the refactoring process. .PARAMETER CleanUpDeletedFiles Remove files that no longer exist from the refactor set. .PARAMETER Reset Restart processing from the beginning of the refactor set. .PARAMETER ResetLMSelections Restart all LLM selections in the refactoring process. .PARAMETER RedoLast Repeat the last refactoring operation. .PARAMETER EditPrompt Only modify the AI prompt for the refactoring. .EXAMPLE Start-NextRefactor -Name "RefactorProject" -Reset -CleanUpDeletedFiles .EXAMPLE nextrefactor "*" -RedoLast #> function Start-NextRefactor { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] [Alias("nextrefactor")] param ( ######################################################################## [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "The name of the refactor, accepts wildcards", ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [SupportsWildcards()] [string[]] $Name = @("*"), ######################################################################## [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Filenames to add" )] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.IO.FileInfo[]] $FilesToAdd = @(), ######################################################################## [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Filenames to remove" )] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.IO.FileInfo[]] $FilesToRemove = @(), ######################################################################## [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Clean up deleted files" )] [switch] $CleanUpDeletedFiles, ######################################################################## [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Start from the beginning of the refactor set" )] [switch] $Reset, ######################################################################## [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Restart all LLMSelections" )] [switch] $ResetLMSelections, ######################################################################## [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Mark all files as refactored" )] [switch] $MarkAllCompleted, ######################################################################## [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Redo the last refactor" )] [switch] $RedoLast, ######################################################################## [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Switch to only edit the AI prompt" )] [switch] $EditPrompt, ######################################################################## [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Speak out the details of next refactor" )] [switch] $Speak ######################################################################## ) begin { # log start of refactoring operation Write-Verbose "Starting refactoring operation" # load refactor definitions and sort by priority in descending order [GenXdev.Helpers.RefactorDefinition[]] $refactorSet = GenXdev.Coding\Get-Refactor ` -Name $Name | Sort-Object -Property Priority -Descending # exit if no refactors were found matching the criteria if ($null -eq $refactorSet) { Write-Warning "No refactor set found" return } } process { # process each refactor definition in priority order foreach ($refactorDefinition in $refactorSet) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( "Refactor set '$($refactorDefinition.Name)'", "Process refactoring")) { Write-Verbose "Processing refactor: $($refactorDefinition.Name)" try { # update configuration with new files and process settings $null = GenXdev.Coding\Update-Refactor ` -Refactor @($refactorDefinition) ` -FilesToAdd $FilesToAdd ` -FilesToRemove $FilesToRemove ` -CleanUpDeletedFiles:$CleanUpDeletedFiles ` -PerformLLMSelections ` -AskBeforeLLMSelection ` -RedoLast:$RedoLast ` -Reset:$Reset ` -ResetLMSelections:$Reset ` -MarkAllCompleted:$MarkAllCompleted ` -Speak:$Speak } catch { Write-Warning "Failed to update refactor set: $_" } # main refactoring loop do { $next = $null do { $refactorDefinition.State.RefactoredIndex = [Math]::Min( $refactorDefinition.State.RefactoredIndex + 1, $refactorDefinition.State.Refactored.Count ); } while ( ( $refactorDefinition.State.RefactoredIndex -le $refactorDefinition.State.Refactored.Count - 1 ) -and ( -not ( [IO.File]::Exists( $refactorDefinition.State.Refactored[ $refactorDefinition.State.RefactoredIndex ] ) ) ) ) # check if we need to get next file from selection queue if ($refactorDefinition.State.RefactoredIndex -gt $refactorDefinition.State.Refactored.Count - 1) { $refactorDefinition.State.RefactoredIndex--; # check if all files have been processed if ($refactorDefinition.State.Selected.Count -eq 0) { if ($Speak) { Start-TextToSpeech "Completed refactoring set: '$($refactorDefinition.Name)'" } Write-Verbose "Completed refactoring $($refactorDefinition.Name)" $refactorDefinition.State.Status = "Refactored" try { # save final state $null = GenXdev.Coding\Update-Refactor -Refactor @($refactorDefinition) } catch { Write-Warning "Failed to update refactor state: $_" } continue } # get next file from selection queue $next = $refactorDefinition.State.Selected[0] $null = $refactorDefinition.State.Selected.RemoveAt(0) # update selection tracking index if ($refactorDefinition.State.SelectedIndex -lt $refactorDefinition.State.Selected.Count - 1) { $refactorDefinition.State.SelectedIndex = [Math]::Max(-1, $refactorDefinition.State.SelectedIndex - 1) } # update refactoring progress trackers $null = $refactorDefinition.State.Refactored.Add($next) $refactorDefinition.State.RefactoredIndex = $refactorDefinition.State.Refactored.Count - 1 } else { # get next file from completed items $next = $refactorDefinition.State.Refactored[ $refactorDefinition.State.RefactoredIndex] } # process current file if available if ($null -ne $next) { $refactorDefinition.State.Status = "Refactoring" $infoText = "Refactoring file '$([IO.Path]::GetFileName($next))' " + "of set '$($refactorDefinition.Name)' " + "using prompt '$( $refactorDefinition.RefactorSettings.PromptKey )'" Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue $infoText if ($Speak) { Start-TextToSpeech $infoText } $skipPostMenu = $false try { # perform refactoring on current file GenXdev.Coding\Assert-RefactorFile ` -RefactorDefinition $refactorDefinition ` -Path $next ` -EditPrompt:$EditPrompt if ($EditPrompt) { break } } catch { if ($Speak) { GenXdev.Console\Start-TextToSpeech ( "An error occured with message: " + $_.Exception.Message ) } # log error detaails and timestamp $now = Get-Date $null = $refactorDefinition.Log.Add(@{ Timestamp = $now Message = ("Error refactoring file $($next.FullName): " + "$($_.Exception.Message)") }) Write-Error $_.Exception.Message $refactorDefinition.State.Status = "Error" if ($Speak) { GenXdev.Console\Start-TextToSpeech "What to do next?" } # handle error with user input $userAnswer = $host.ui.PromptForChoice( "Make a choice", "What to do next?", @("&Continue", "&Redo", "&Stop"), 0 ) switch ($userAnswer) { 2 { $refactorDefinition.State.Status = "Stopped" throw "Refactor stopped" return } 1 { $refactorDefinition.State.Status = "Refactoring" $refactorDefinition.State.RefactoredIndex-- break; } 0 { $refactorDefinition.State.Status = "Refactoring" $skipPostMenu = $false break; } } } try { # save current progress $null = GenXdev.Coding\Update-Refactor -Refactor @($refactorDefinition) } catch { Write-Warning "Failed to update refactor state: $_" } if ($skipPostMenu) { continue } $infoText = "Refactoring set named $($refactorDefinition.Name) now for $($refactorDefinition.State.PercentageComplete)% completed" GenXdev.Coding\Show-RefactorReport -Name:$Name Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green $infoText if ($Speak) { GenXdev.Console\Start-TextToSpeech $infoText } if ($Speak) { GenXdev.Console\Start-TextToSpeech "What to do next?" } # get user input for next action $userAnswer = $host.ui.PromptForChoice( "Make a choice", "What to do next?", @("&Continue", "&Redo", "&Stop"), 0 ) switch ($userAnswer) { 1 { $refactorDefinition.State.RefactoredIndex-- break; } 2 { $refactorDefinition.State.Status = "Stopped" return } } } } while ( ($refactorDefinition.State.RefactoredIndex -lt $refactorDefinition.State.Refactored.Count - 1) -or ($refactorDefinition.State.SelectedIndex -lt $refactorDefinition.State.Selected.Count - 1) ) } } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "All done." if ($Speak) { GenXdev.Console\Start-TextToSpeech "All refactorings completed" } } end { } } ################################################################################ |