
Retrieves refactor definitions from GenXdev preferences based on name patterns.
Searches for and loads refactor definition sets stored in GenXdev preferences.
Each refactor set is stored as a JSON string in a preference with name starting
with 'refactor_set_'. The function deserializes matching sets into objects.
One or more name patterns to match against refactor set names. Patterns are
matched against the portion of the preference name after 'refactor_set_' prefix.
Supports wildcards. If omitted, returns all refactor sets.
Get-Refactor -Name "CodeStyle*"
# Returns refactor definitions matching pattern "CodeStyle*"
refactor "UnitTest"
# Uses alias to find refactor definitions containing "UnitTest"

function Get-Refactor {

    param (
            Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "Pattern(s) to search for refactor definitions",
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
        [string[]] $Name = @("*")

    begin {
        # no initialization needed

    process {
        # get all preference names that could contain refactor definitions
        Write-Verbose "Searching for refactor set preferences..."
        $prefNames = Get-GenXdevPreferenceNames |
        Where-Object { $_ -like "refactor_set_*" }
        & {
            foreach ($prefName in $prefNames) {

                Write-Verbose "Processing preference: $prefName"

                # check each provided name pattern against current preference
                foreach ($pattern in $Name) {

                    # extract name portion after refactor_set_ prefix
                    $actualName = $prefName.Substring("refactor_set_".Length)

                    # skip if pattern doesn't match the actual name
                    if (-not ($actualName -like $pattern)) {


                    # attempt to load and parse the JSON content
                    $existingJson = Get-GenXdevPreference -Name $prefName

                    # process non-empty JSON content
                    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($existingJson)) {
                        try {
                            # deserialize JSON into refactor definition object
                            [GenXdev.Helpers.RefactorDefinition] $refactorSet = (ConvertFrom-Json $existingJson) -as [GenXdev.Helpers.RefactorDefinition]

                            # check containers
                            if (($null -eq $refactorSet.State.Unselected) -or

                                ($null -eq $refactorSet.State.Selected) -or
                                ($null -eq $refactorSet.State.Refactored) -or
                                ($null -eq $refactorSet.Log)) {

                                $newSet = [GenXdev.Helpers.RefactorDefinition]::new()
                                $new.Name = $refactorSet.Name
                                $new.Priority = $refactorSet.Priority
                                $new.SelectionSettings.Script = (!!$refactorSet.SelectionSettings ? $refactorSet.SelectionSettings.Script : "")

                                $refactorSet = $newSet

                            Write-Verbose ("Successfully parsed refactor set from " +
                                "preference: $prefName")
                            Write-Output $refactorSet
                        catch {
                            $errorMsg = "Failed to parse refactor set from $prefName"
                            Write-Error $errorMsg
                            Write-Verbose "$errorMsg : $_"

        }.GetNewClosure() | Sort-Object -Property Priority -Descending

    end {