################################################################################ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves refactor definitions from GenXdev preferences based on name patterns. .DESCRIPTION Searches for and loads refactor definition sets stored in GenXdev preferences. Each refactor set is stored as a JSON string in a preference with name starting with 'refactor_set_'. The function deserializes matching sets into objects. .PARAMETER Name One or more name patterns to match against refactor set names. Patterns are matched against the portion of the preference name after 'refactor_set_' prefix. Supports wildcards. If omitted, returns all refactor sets. .EXAMPLE Get-Refactor -Name "CodeStyle*" # Returns refactor definitions matching pattern "CodeStyle*" .EXAMPLE refactor "UnitTest" # Uses alias to find refactor definitions containing "UnitTest" #> function Get-Refactor { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("refactor")] [OutputType([GenXdev.Helpers.RefactorDefinition[]])] param ( ######################################################################## [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "Pattern(s) to search for refactor definitions", ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [SupportsWildcards()] [string[]] $Name = @("*") ######################################################################## ) begin { # no initialization needed } process { # get all preference names that could contain refactor definitions Write-Verbose "Searching for refactor set preferences..." $prefNames = Get-GenXdevPreferenceNames | Where-Object { $_ -like "refactor_set_*" } & { foreach ($prefName in $prefNames) { Write-Verbose "Processing preference: $prefName" # check each provided name pattern against current preference foreach ($pattern in $Name) { # extract name portion after refactor_set_ prefix $actualName = $prefName.Substring("refactor_set_".Length) # skip if pattern doesn't match the actual name if (-not ($actualName -like $pattern)) { continue } # attempt to load and parse the JSON content $existingJson = Get-GenXdevPreference -Name $prefName # process non-empty JSON content if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($existingJson)) { try { # deserialize JSON into refactor definition object [GenXdev.Helpers.RefactorDefinition] $refactorSet = (ConvertFrom-Json $existingJson) -as [GenXdev.Helpers.RefactorDefinition] # check containers if (($null -eq $refactorSet.State.Unselected) -or ($null -eq $refactorSet.State.Selected) -or ($null -eq $refactorSet.State.Refactored) -or ($null -eq $refactorSet.Log)) { $newSet = [GenXdev.Helpers.RefactorDefinition]::new() $new.Name = $refactorSet.Name $new.Priority = $refactorSet.Priority $new.SelectionSettings.Script = (!!$refactorSet.SelectionSettings ? $refactorSet.SelectionSettings.Script : "") $refactorSet = $newSet } Write-Verbose ("Successfully parsed refactor set from " + "preference: $prefName") Write-Output $refactorSet } catch { $errorMsg = "Failed to parse refactor set from $prefName" Write-Error $errorMsg Write-Verbose "$errorMsg : $_" } } break; } } }.GetNewClosure() | Sort-Object -Property Priority -Descending } end { } } ################################################################################ |