
Adds a line to a markdown file in a specified section.
Finds and modifies a file by adding a new line to a specified section.
Can create the section if it doesn't exist. Supports formatting lines as code
blocks and showing the modified section.
Will look in current directory first, then walk up directories to find the README
location. If not found, will use the README in the PowerShell profile directory.
The line of text to add to the README file.
The section header where the line should be added.
The prefix to add before the line (default: "* ").
Switch to open the README in Visual Studio Code after modification.
Switch to display the modified section after changes.
Switch to mark a todo item as completed.
Switch to use README in PowerShell profile directory.
Switch to use README in OneDrive directory.
Add-LineToREADME -Line "New feature" -Section "## Features" -Prefix "- [ ] "
Add-LineToREADME "New feature" "## Features" "* " -Show

function Add-LineToREADME {

            Position = 0,
            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromRemainingArguments = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The line to add to the README"
        [string] $Line = "",

            Position = 1,
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = "The section to add the line to"
        [string] $Section,

            Position = 2,
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = "The prefix to use for the line"
        [string] $Prefix = "* ",

            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "Open in Visual Studio Code after modifying"
        [switch] $Code,

            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "Show the modified section"
        [switch] $Show,

            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "Mark the item as completed"
        [switch] $Done,

            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "Use README in PowerShell profile directory"
        [switch] $UseHomeREADME,

            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "Use README in OneDrive directory"
        [switch] $UseOneDriveREADME

    begin {

        # helper function to find readme path by walking up directories
        function findReadMePath([string] $startDir) {

            $startDir = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path $startDir
            Push-Location $startDir

            try {
                # walk up directories looking for
                do {
                    if ([System.IO.File]::Exists("$pwd\")) {
                        return "$pwd\"

                    if ($startDir.Length -ge 2) {

                        $startDir = Expand-Path "$((Get-Location).Path)\..\"
                while (($startDir.Length -ge 2) -and ($startDir -ne $PWD))
            finally {

            # fallback to onedrive readme
            return "$((GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path -FilePath "~\Onedrive\" -CreateDirectory))";

        # determine which readme file to use
        if ($UseHomeREADME) {
            $readmePath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path `
                -FilePath "$([IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($Profile))\"
        elseif ($UseOneDriveREADME) {
            $readmePath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path `
                -FilePath "~\Onedrive\" `
        else {
            $readmePath = findReadMePath $PWD

        Write-Verbose "Using README at: $readmePath"

        # verify readme exists
        if (![IO.File]::Exists($readmePath)) {
            throw "README file not found at: $readmePath"

        # load readme content
        $readme = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($readmePath)
        [int] $insertIndex = $readme.IndexOf("$Section")

        # create section if it doesn't exist
        if ($insertIndex -lt 0) {
            $insertIndex = 0
            $readme = "$Section`r`n`r`n$readme"

        $insertIndex += "$Section`r".Length

    process {

        if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Line)) {
            if ($Done) {
                # mark item as completed
                $readme = $readme.Replace(
                    "- [✅] $($Line.Trim())`r`n"
            else {
                # insert new line at section
                $readme = $readme.Substring(0, $insertIndex) +
                "$prefix$Line`r`n" +

    end {
        # save changes
        [IO.File]::WriteAllText($readmePath, $readme)

        # open in vscode if requested
        if ($Code) {
            $codeCmd = Get-Command "code.cmd" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if ($null -ne $codeCmd) {
                cmd.exe /c code.cmd $readmePath

        # show modified section if requested
        if ($Show) {
            $readmeMarkDown = ""
            $inSection = $false

            $ansiColorStart = [char]27 + "["
            $ansiColorYellow = "${ansiColorStart}33m"
            $ansiBackgroundColorBlue = "${ansiColorStart}44m"
            $ansiColorReset = "${ansiColorStart}0m"

            foreach ($readmeLine in [IO.File]::ReadAllLines($readmePath)) {
                if ($readmeLine.StartsWith($Section)) {
                    $inSection = $true
                    $readmeMarkDown = "$ansiBackgroundColorBlue$ansiColorYellow" +
                    "$readmeMarkDown$($readmeLine.trim("`r`n`t "))" +
                elseif ($inSection) {
                    if ($readmeLine.StartsWith("#")) {
                    $readmeMarkDown = "$readmeMarkDown" +
                    "$($readmeLine.trim("`r`n`t "))`r`n`r`n"
