################################################################################ <# .SYNOPSIS Generates markdown help documentation for specified GenXDev modules. .DESCRIPTION This function generates markdown help documentation for specified GenXDev modules and their cmdlets. It processes each module and cmdlet, formatting the help content into markdown with proper sections and code blocks. The output includes syntax highlighting for PowerShell code blocks and proper formatting for different help sections. .PARAMETER ModuleName Specifies the name(s) of the module(s) to generate help for. Accepts wildcards. If not specified, defaults to "GenXdev.*". .PARAMETER CommandNames Optional array of cmdlet names to filter which commands to generate help for. If not specified, documentation will be generated for all cmdlets in the module. .EXAMPLE Get-ModuleHelpMarkdown -ModuleName "GenXdev.Helpers" -CommandNames "Get-*" .EXAMPLE Get-GenXDevModuleHelp GenXdev.Helpers #> function Get-ModuleHelpMarkdown { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("Get-GenXDevModuleHelp")] param( ######################################################################## [Alias("Name", "Module")] [parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "The name(s) of the module(s) to generate help for" )] [SupportsWildcards()] [string[]] $ModuleName = "GenXdev.*", ######################################################################## [parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Optional cmdlet names to filter which to document" )] [SupportsWildcards()] [string[]] $CommandNames = @() ) begin { # retrieve and sort all cmdlets from specified modules Write-Verbose "Retrieving cmdlets from modules: $($ModuleName -join ',')" $modules = $ModuleName | ForEach-Object { # normalize module names by adding GenXdev prefix if not present $name = "GenXdev." + $PSItem.Replace("GenXdev.", "") # get all matching modules including their nested modules Get-Module "$($name.TrimEnd("*"))*" -All | ForEach-Object { $module = $PSItem $module.NestedModules | ForEach-Object { $_ } $module } } | Select-Object -Unique | Sort-Object { $_.Name.Length.ToString().PadLeft(4, '0') + "_" + $_.Name } | ForEach-Object { Get-GenXDevCmdlets -ModuleName ($_.Name) | ForEach-Object { $_ } } } process { # initialize tracking variables [bool] $first = $true $lastModule = "" # process each cmdlet foreach ($current in $modules) { # emit module header when switching to a new module if (($lastModule -eq "") -or ($lastModule -ne $current.ModuleName)) { Write-Verbose "Processing module: $($current.ModuleName)" "`r`n <hr/>`r`n###`t$($current.ModuleName)<hr/>" } $lastModule = $current.ModuleName # filter cmdlets if specific ones were requested if ($CommandNames.Length -gt 0) { $found = $false foreach ($cn in $CommandNames) { if ($current.Name -like $cn) { $found = $true break } } if (!$found) { continue } } $CmdletName = $current.Name Write-Verbose "Generating help for cmdlet: $CmdletName" # get help content for current cmdlet $lines = "" try { $lines = (help $CmdletName -Full) } catch { throw "Could not get help for command $CmdletName -> $PSItem" } # initialize state tracking variables for help processing $inPowerShell = $false [bool] $hide = $false $lineBuffer = "" $inName = $false # process each line of help content foreach ($line in $lines) { # normalize line endings and tabs $line = $line.trim("`r`n").Replace("`t", " ") if ($line.Trim().Length -gt 0) { # handling section headers if ($line[0] -ne " ") { $section = $line $wasInPowerShell = $inPowerShell $hide = $false $inName = $false # process different help sections switch ($section) { "NAME" { $inName = $true $inPowerShell = $true # get and format aliases $aliases = ((Get-Alias -Definition $CmdletName ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object name) -join ", ").Trim() if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($aliases)) { $linebuffer = $aliases } break } "SYNOPSIS" { $inPowerShell = $false; break } "SYNTAX" { $inPowerShell = $true; break } "DESCRIPTION" { $inPowerShell = $false; break } "PARAMETERS" { $inPowerShell = $false; break } "NOTES" { $inPowerShell = $true; break } default { $inPowerShell = $false $hide = $true break } } # handle transitions between powershell and regular text if ($wasInPowerShell) { alignScript $lineBuffer.Trim("`r`n".ToCharArray()) 0 $lineBuffer = "" "````````" } if (!$hide) { if ($inName) { "`r`n##`t$CmdletName" } else { "`r`n### $section" } } if ($inPowerShell) { "````````PowerShell" } } else { # handle content lines if (!$hide) { if ($inName) { if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($lineBuffer)) { $line = $line.PadRight(40, " ") + " --> $lineBuffer" } $lineBuffer = "" $inName = $false } # normalize text content $line = $line.Replace("PS > ", "PS C:\> ").Replace("PS C:\>", "PS C:\> ").Replace("PS C:\> ", "PS C:\> ").Replace("Don't", "Do not").Replace("don't", "do not").Replace("isn't", "is not").Replace("asn't", "as not").Replace("(https://go", " (https://go").Replace("PS D:\Downloads>", "PS D:\Downloads> ").Replace("PS D:\Downloads> ", "PS D:\Downloads> ").Replace("It's", "It is") if ($inPowerShell) { if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($line)) { $lineBuffer = "$lineBuffer `r`n$($line.Replace("`r`n", " `r`n")) ".Trim("`r`n".ToCharArray()) } } else { $line = $line.Trim("`r`n".ToCharArray()) if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($line)) { "$(($line.Replace("`r`n", " `r`n"))) " } } } } } } # add section separator "`r`n<br/><hr/><hr/><br/>`r`n" } } end { } } ################################################################################ |