################################################################################ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves detailed information about GenXdev PowerShell modules. .DESCRIPTION This function examines GenXdev PowerShell modules and returns information about their configuration, versions, and presence of key files. It can process either specified modules or all available modules. .PARAMETER ModuleName Array of module names to analyze. If empty, processes all available modules. GenXdev.Local module is explicitly blocked from processing. .EXAMPLE Get-GenXDevModuleInfo -ModuleName "GenXdev.Console" .EXAMPLE "GenXdev.Console" | Get-GenXDevModuleInfo #> function Get-GenXDevModuleInfo { [CmdletBinding()] param( ######################################################################## [parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, HelpMessage = "Names of modules to analyze" )] [Alias("Name", "Module")] [string[]] $ModuleName = @() ######################################################################## ) begin { # get all available genxdev modules Write-Verbose "Retrieving all available GenXdev modules" [System.IO.FileSystemInfo[]] $AllModules = @(Get-GenXDevModules) } process { # process specified modules if any were provided if ($ModuleName.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($currentModuleName in $ModuleName) { foreach ($currentModule in $AllModules) { # skip if module name doesn't match if ($currentModule.Parent.Name -ne $currentModuleName) { continue } # construct path to module configuration file $configPath = "$($currentModule.FullName)\$currentModuleName.psd1" Write-Verbose "Processing config file: $configPath" # read and parse module configuration $configText = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($configPath) $config = Invoke-Expression -Command ($configText) # calculate current and new version numbers $currentVersion = [Version]::new($config.ModuleVersion) $newVersion = [Version]::new( $currentVersion.Major, $currentVersion.Minor + 2, $currentVersion.Build ).ToString() # return module information hashtable @{ ModulePath = $currentModule.FullName ModuleName = $currentModuleName ConfigPath = $configPath ConfigText = $configText Config = $config CurrentVersion = $currentVersion NewVersion = $newVersion HasREADME = [IO.File]::Exists( "$($currentModule.FullName)\" ) HasLICENSE = [IO.File]::Exists( "$($currentModule.FullName)\LICENSE" ) -and [IO.File]::Exists( "$($currentModule.FullName)\license.txt" ) } } } return } # process all modules if no specific modules were requested foreach ($currentModule in $AllModules) { $currentModuleName = $currentModule.Parent.Name Write-Verbose "Processing module: $currentModuleName" # construct path to module configuration file $configPath = "$($currentModule.FullName)\$currentModuleName.psd1" # read and parse module configuration $configText = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($configPath) $config = Invoke-Expression -Command ($configText) # calculate current and new version numbers $currentVersion = [Version]::new($config.ModuleVersion) $newVersion = [Version]::new( $currentVersion.Major, $currentVersion.Minor + 1, $currentVersion.Build ).ToString() # return module information hashtable @{ ModulePath = $currentModule.FullName ModuleName = $currentModuleName ConfigPath = $configPath ConfigText = $configText Config = $config CurrentVersion = $currentVersion NewVersion = $newVersion HasREADME = [IO.File]::Exists( "$($currentModule.FullName)\" ) HasLICENSE = [IO.File]::Exists( "$($currentModule.FullName)\LICENSE" ) -and [IO.File]::Exists( "$($currentModule.FullName)\license.txt" ) } } } end { } } ################################################################################ |