################################################################################ <# .SYNOPSIS Assists in refactoring PowerShell source code files using AI assistance. .DESCRIPTION This function automates the process of refactoring PowerShell code using AI. It manages prompt templates, detects the active IDE (VS Code or Visual Studio), and orchestrates the refactoring workflow through keyboard automation. .PARAMETER RefactorDefinition A configuration object that contains settings for the refactoring process, including prompt templates, IDE preferences, and keyboard commands. .PARAMETER Path The full file system path to the PowerShell source code file that needs to be refactored. Can be a relative or absolute path. .PARAMETER EditPrompt When enabled, only opens the prompt template for editing without executing the actual refactoring process. .EXAMPLE # Refactor a script with full parameter names Assert-RefactorFile -RefactorDefinition $def -Path "./MyScript.ps1" .EXAMPLE # Only edit the prompt template using positional parameters Assert-RefactorFile $def "./MyScript.ps1" -EditPrompt #> function Assert-RefactorFile { [CmdletBinding()] param( ######################################################################## [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "The refactor definition" )] [ValidateNotNull()] [GenXdev.Helpers.RefactorDefinition] $RefactorDefinition, ######################################################################## [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "The path to the sourcefile to improve" )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias("FullName")] [string] $Path, ######################################################################## [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Switch to only edit the AI prompt" )] [switch] $EditPrompt ######################################################################## ) begin { # prepare paths for scripts and modules $scriptsPath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path ` "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\..\..\..\Scripts\" -CreateDirectory $modulesPath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path ` "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\..\..\" -CreateDirectory $Path = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path $Path # extract settings from refactor definition $prompt = $RefactorDefinition.RefactorSettings.Prompt $promptKey = $RefactorDefinition.RefactorSettings.PromptKey # detect which IDE is currently active [System.Diagnostics.Process] $hostProcess = Get-PowershellMainWindowProcess $isCode = $hostProcess.Name -eq "Code" $isVisualStudio = $hostProcess.Name -eq "devenv" # if no active IDE found, check settings for preferred IDE if (-not ($isCode -or $isVisualStudio)) { # check code preference if ($RefactorDefinition.RefactorSettings.Code -ge 0) { $isCode = $RefactorDefinition.RefactorSettings.Code -eq 1 } # check visual studio preference if ($RefactorDefinition.RefactorSettings.VisualStudio -ge 0) { $isVisualStudio = $RefactorDefinition.RefactorSettings.VisualStudio -eq 1 } # attempt to find any running IDE as fallback if (-not ($isCode -or $isVisualStudio)) { Write-Verbose "Attempting to detect running IDE instances" # try to find VS Code [System.Diagnostics.Process] $hostProcess = Get-Process "Code" ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort-Object | Select-Object -First 1 $isCode = $null -ne $hostProcess # try to find Visual Studio $hostProcess = Get-Process "devenv" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort-Object | Select-Object -First 1 $isVisualStudio = $null -ne $hostProcess } } # prompt user to select IDE if no clear choice determined if (-not ($isCode -bxor $isVisualStudio)) { Write-Verbose "Prompting user to select IDE" $userAnswer = $null -ne $Global:_CodeOrVisualStudioRefactor ? $Global:_CodeOrVisualStudioRefactor : ($host.ui.PromptForChoice( "Make a choice", "What IDE to use for refactoring?", @("Visual Studio &Code", "&Visual Studio"), 0)) $Global:_CodeOrVisualStudioRefactor = $userAnswer # set IDE flags based on user selection switch ($userAnswer) { 0 { $isCode = $true $isVisualStudio = $false break; } 1 { $isCode = $false $isVisualStudio = $true break; } } } # process prompt template if specified if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($PromptKey)) { # determine appropriate prompt template path based on file location $promptFilePath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path ` "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\Prompts\GenXdev.Coding.PowerShell.Modules\" ` -CreateDirectory $promptFilePath = Join-Path $promptFilePath "Assert-$PromptKey.txt" # use script-specific template if file is in scripts folder if ($Path -like "$scriptsPath\*.ps1") { $promptFilePath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path ` "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\Prompts\GenXdev.Coding.PowerShell.Modules\" ` "Assert-$PromptKey-script.txt" -CreateFile } # load template and replace placeholder $Prompt = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($promptFilePath).Replace( "`$Prompt", $Prompt ) } # replace template variables in prompt text $Prompt = $Prompt.Replace( "`$CmdletName", [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($Path) ) $Prompt = $Prompt.Replace( "`$CmdLetNoTestName", [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($Path).Replace( ".Tests", "" ) ) $Prompt = $Prompt.Replace( "`$ScriptFileName", [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($Path) ) $Prompt = $Prompt.Replace("`t", " ") if ($Path.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith($scriptsPath.ToLowerInvariant())) { $Prompt = $Prompt.Replace( "`$FullModuleName", "GenXdev.Scripts" ) $Prompt = $Prompt.Replace( "`$BaseModuleName", "" ) } else { $baseModuleName = "$($Path.Substring($modulesPath.Length + 1).Split("\")[0])" $functionsPath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path "$modulesPath\$baseModuleName\1.120.2025\Functions\" -CreateDirectory $testsPath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path "$modulesPath\$baseModuleName\1.120.2025\Tests\" -CreateDirectory if ($Path.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith($functionsPath.ToLowerInvariant())) { $Prompt = $Prompt.Replace( "`$FullModuleName", "$($Path.Substring($functionsPath.Length + 1).Split("\")[0])" ) } elseif ($Path.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith($testsPath.ToLowerInvariant())) { $Prompt = $Prompt.Replace( "`$FullModuleName", "$($Path.Substring($testsPath.Length + 1).Split("\")[0])" ) } else { $Prompt = $Prompt.Replace( "`$FullModuleName", "$baseModuleName" ) } $Prompt = $Prompt.Replace( "`$BaseModuleName", "$baseModuleName" ) } $Prompt = $Prompt.Replace("`t", " ") # copy final prompt to clipboard $previousClipboard = Get-Clipboard $null = Set-Clipboard -Value $prompt Write-Verbose "Prepared prompt and copied to clipboard:" Write-Verbose $prompt # determine keyboard sequence based on IDE $keysToSend = $RefactorDefinition.RefactorSettings.KeysToSend if (($null -eq $keysToSend) -or ($keysToSend.Count -eq 0)) { # set default key sequences for each IDE if ($isCode) { $keysToSend = @("^``", "^+i", "^l", "^a", "{DELETE}", "^+i", "{ESCAPE}", "^{F12}", "^v", "{ENTER}") } elseif ($isVisualStudio) { $keysToSend = @("^\", "^c", "^a", " {DELETE}", "^v", "{ENTER}") } } } process { # exit if only editing prompt if ($EditPrompt) { return } Write-Verbose "Opening file in IDE for refactoring" # prepare parameters for IDE invocation $invocationParams = @{ Path = $Path KeysToSend = $keysToSend } # add optional IDE parameters if specified $invocationParams.Code = $Code $invocationParams.VisualStudio = $VisualStudio # open file in selected IDE Open-SourceFileInIde @invocationParams } end { # restore previous clipboard content $null = Set-Clipboard -Value $previousClipboard } } ################################################################################ |