
Refactor the following PowerShell code following these rules:
1. Replace Write-Host with Write-Output using ANSI escape sequences
2. Use these color mappings:
   - Cyan: [char]0x1b + '[36m'
   - DarkGreen: [char]0x1b + '[32m'
   - Red: [char]0x1b + '[31m'
   - Yellow: [char]0x1b + '[33m'
   - Reset: [char]0x1b + '[0m'
3. Store escape character in $esc variable at the start
4. Maintain existing padding and formatting
5. Keep all other functionality unchanged
6. Preserve all comments and documentation
7. Only show changed code, use '# ...existing code...' for unchanged sections
Provide only the refactored code without explanations.