
Installs LM Studio application using WinGet package manager.
Ensures LM Studio is installed on the system by checking WinGet dependencies and
installing LM Studio if not already present. Uses WinGet module with CLI fallback.

function Install-LMStudioApplication {


    begin {

        # helper function to verify and install winget module
        function Test-WingetDependency {
            try {
                $null = Import-Module "Microsoft.WinGet.Client" -ErrorAction Stop
                return $true
            catch {
                return $false

        # helper function to install winget if missing
        function Install-WingetDependency {
            if (-not (Test-WingetDependency)) {
                Write-Verbose "Installing WinGet PowerShell module..."
                $null = Install-Module "Microsoft.WinGet.Client" `
                    -Force `
                    -AllowClobber `
                    -ErrorAction Stop

                $null = Import-Module "Microsoft.WinGet.Client" -ErrorAction Stop

    process {
        try {
            # ensure winget module is available

            # package identifier for lm studio
            $lmStudioId = "ElementLabs.LMStudio"

            # check if already installed
            Write-Verbose "Checking if LM Studio is already installed..."
            $installed = Get-WinGetPackage -Id $lmStudioId -ErrorAction Stop

            if ($null -eq $installed) {
                Write-Verbose "Installing LM Studio..."

                try {
                    # attempt install via powershell module
                    $null = Install-WinGetPackage -Id $lmStudioId `
                        -Force `
                        -ErrorAction Stop
                catch {
                    # fallback to winget cli
                    Write-Verbose "Falling back to WinGet CLI..."
                    winget install $lmStudioId

                    if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
                        throw "WinGet CLI installation failed"

                # reset cached paths after install
                $script:LMStudioExe = $null
                $script:LMSExe = $null
                $null = Start-Process -FilePath ($script:LMStudioExe) -WindowStyle Maximized
            else {
                Write-Verbose "LM Studio is already installed"
        catch {
            throw "Failed to install LM Studio: $_"

    end {}