################################################################################ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves file paths for LM Studio executables. .DESCRIPTION Searches common installation locations for LM Studio executables and returns their paths. The function maintains a cache of found paths to optimize performance on subsequent calls. .OUTPUTS System.Collections.Hashtable Returns a hashtable with two keys: - LMStudioExe: Path to main LM Studio executable - LMSExe: Path to LMS command-line executable .EXAMPLE $paths = Get-LMStudioPaths Write-Output "LM Studio path: $($paths.LMStudioExe)" #> function Get-LMStudioPaths { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "")] param() begin { # define search paths for executables $searchPathsLMStudio = @( "${env:LOCALAPPDATA}\LM-Studio\lm studio.exe", "${env:LOCALAPPDATA}\Programs\LM-Studio\lm studio.exe", "${env:LOCALAPPDATA}\Programs\LM Studio\lm studio.exe" ) $searchPathsLMSexe = @( "${env:LOCALAPPDATA}\LM-Studio\lms.exe", "${env:LOCALAPPDATA}\Programs\LM-Studio\lms.exe", "${env:LOCALAPPDATA}\Programs\LM Studio\lms.exe" ) } process { # check if paths need to be discovered if (-not $script:LMStudioExe -or -not $script:LMSexe) { Write-Verbose "Searching for LM Studio executables..." # find main LM Studio executable $script:LMStudioExe = Get-ChildItem ` -Path $searchPathsLMStudio ` -File ` -Recurse ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -First 1 | ForEach-Object FullName # find LMS command-line executable $script:LMSExe = Get-ChildItem ` -Path $searchPathsLMSexe ` -File ` -Recurse ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -First 1 | ForEach-Object FullName Write-Verbose "Found LM Studio: $script:LMStudioExe" Write-Verbose "Found LMS: $script:LMSExe" } } end { # return paths in a hashtable return @{ LMStudioExe = $script:LMStudioExe LMSExe = $script:LMSExe } } } ################################################################################ |