Describe "ConvertTo-LMStudioFunctionDefinition" { It "Should pass PSScriptAnalyzer rules" { # get the script path for analysis $scriptPath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\Functions\GenXdev.AI.LMStudio\ConvertTo-LMStudioFunctionDefinition.ps1" # run analyzer with explicit settings $analyzerResults = GenXdev.Coding\Invoke-GenXdevScriptAnalyzer ` -Path $scriptPath [string] $message = "" $analyzerResults | ForEach-Object { $message = $message + @" -------------------------------------------------- Rule: $($_.RuleName)` Description: $($_.Description) Message: $($_.Message) `r`n "@ } $analyzerResults.Count | Should -Be 0 -Because @" The following PSScriptAnalyzer rules are being violated: $message "@; } It "Should check my sanity" { $number = 123; $callback = { param($a, $b, $c) return (@($a, $b, $c, $number) | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -WarningAction SilentlyContinue) }.GetNewClosure(); $callback.getType().FullName | Should -BeExactly "System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock" $params = @{ c = 3 a = 1 } $params.getType().FullName | Should -BeExactly "System.Collections.Hashtable" $result = & $callback @params $result | Should -Be (@(1, $null, 3, $number) | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -WarningAction SilentlyContinue) } It "Should invoke function properly" { $converted = ConvertTo-LMStudioFunctionDefinition ` -ExposedCmdLets @( @{ Name = "Get-ChildItem" AllowedParams = @("Path=string") Confirm = $false } ) $functionDefinition = $converted.function $functionDefinition | Should -Not -Be $null $callback = $functionDefinition.callback; $callback | Should -BeOfType [System.Management.Automation.CommandInfo] # Convert dictionary to proper parameter hashtable $params = @{"Path" = "B:\" } Write-Verbose "Final parameter hashtable: $($params | ConvertTo-Json -WarningAction SilentlyContinue)" # Use $functionDefinition instead of undefined $matchedFunc $callbackResult = & $callback @params | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -WarningAction SilentlyContinue $callbackResult | Should -BeLike "*Movies*" } } |