################################################################################ <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a window helper for the LM Studio application. .DESCRIPTION Gets a window helper for the LM Studio application. If LM Studio is not running, it will be started automatically unless prevented by NoAutoStart switch. .PARAMETER Model Name or partial path of the model to initialize. .PARAMETER ModelLMSGetIdentifier The LM-Studio model identifier to use. .PARAMETER MaxToken Maximum tokens in response. Use -1 for default value. .PARAMETER TTLSeconds Set a Time To Live (in seconds) for models loaded via API. .PARAMETER ShowWindow Switch to show LM Studio window during initialization. .PARAMETER Force Switch to force stop LM Studio before initialization. .PARAMETER NoAutoStart Switch to prevent automatic start of LM Studio if not running. .EXAMPLE Get-LMStudioWindow -Model "llama-2" -MaxToken 4096 -ShowWindow .EXAMPLE Get-LMStudioWindow "*-tool-use" -ttl 3600 #> function Get-LMStudioWindow { [CmdletBinding()] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseUsingScopeModifierInNewRunspaces", "")] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidGlobalVars", "")] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments", "")] param( ######################################################################## [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "Name or partial path of the model to initialize" )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [SupportsWildcards()] [string]$Model = "*-tool-use", ######################################################################## [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "The LM-Studio model to use" )] [string]$ModelLMSGetIdentifier = "llama-3-groq-8b-tool-use", ######################################################################## [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Maximum tokens in response (-1 for default)" )] [Alias("MaxTokens")] [int]$MaxToken = 8192, ######################################################################## [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Set a TTL (in seconds) for models loaded via API" )] [Alias("ttl")] [int]$TTLSeconds = -1, ######################################################################## [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Show LM Studio window during initialization" )] [switch]$ShowWindow, ######################################################################## [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Force stop LM Studio before initialization" )] [switch]$Force, ######################################################################## [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "No auto start LM Studio if not running" )] [switch]$NoAutoStart ) begin { Write-Verbose "Starting search for LM Studio window" # get paths for LM Studio $paths = Get-LMStudioPaths if ($Force -and (-not $NoAutoStart)) { # copy matching parameters to AssureLMStudio function call $invocationArguments = GenXdev.Helpers\Copy-IdenticalParamValues ` -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters ` -FunctionName "GenXdev.AI\AssureLMStudio" ` -DefaultValues (Get-Variable -Scope Local -Name * ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) $null = AssureLMStudio @invocationArguments } # get main lm studio process if running $process = Get-Process "LM Studio" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.MainWindowHandle -ne 0 } | Select-Object -First 1 } process { function CheckRunningInstances { # get all running lm studio processes $others = @(Get-Process "LM Studio" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) if ($others.Count -gt 0) { # start new job to handle window initialization $null = Start-Job -ScriptBlock { param($paths) # launch lm studio normally $null = Start-Process ` -FilePath ($paths.LMStudioExe) ` -WindowStyle "Normal" Start-Sleep 3 # launch second instance $null = Start-Process ` -FilePath ($paths.LMStudioExe) ` -WindowStyle "Normal" } -ArgumentList $paths | Wait-Job Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 # get process with main window $process = Get-Process "LM Studio" | Where-Object { $_.MainWindowHandle -ne 0 } | Select-Object -First 1 } } # try to find running process with main window if ($null -eq $process) { CheckRunningInstances } if ($null -eq $process) { if ($NoAutoStart) { Write-Error "No running LM Studio found" return } Write-Verbose "Starting new LM Studio instance" # prepare parameters for AssureLMStudio $invocationArguments = GenXdev.Helpers\Copy-IdenticalParamValues ` -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters ` -FunctionName "GenXdev.AI\AssureLMStudio" ` -DefaultValues (Get-Variable -Scope Local -Name * ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) $null = AssureLMStudio @invocationArguments # get newly started process $process = Get-Process "LM Studio" | Where-Object { $_.MainWindowHandle -ne 0 } | Select-Object -First 1 } if ($null -eq $process) { CheckRunningInstances } if ($process) { Write-Verbose "Found LM Studio process (PID: $($process.Id))" # get window helper for process $result = Get-Window -ProcessId ($process.Id) if ($ShowWindow -and $null -ne $result) { # position windows and set focus $null = Set-WindowPosition -Left -Monitor 0 $null = Set-WindowPosition -WindowHelper $result -Right -Monitor 0 $null = $result.Show() $null = $result.Restore() $null = $result.SetForeground() $null = Send-Key "^2" $null = (Get-PowershellMainWindow).SetForeground() } Write-Output $result return } Write-Error "Failed to start LM Studio" } end { } } ################################################################################ |