
Retrieves a list of installed LM Studio models.
Gets a list of all models installed in LM Studio by executing the LM Studio CLI
command and parsing its JSON output. Returns an array of model objects containing
details about each installed model.
Returns an array of model objects containing details about installed models.
Retrieves all installed LM Studio models and returns them as objects.
Get-LMStudioModelList -Verbose
Retrieves models while showing detailed progress information.

function Get-LMStudioModelList {


    begin {

        # check if lm studio is installed
        if (-not (Test-LMStudioInstallation)) {

            throw "LM Studio is not installed or not found in expected location"

        # get paths for lm studio components
        $lmPaths = Get-LMStudioPaths
        Write-Verbose "Retrieved LM Studio installation paths"

    process {

        try {
            # get path to lm studio executable
            $LMSExe = $lmPaths.LMSExe
            Write-Verbose "Using LM Studio executable: $LMSExe"

            # execute cli command to get model list
            Write-Verbose "Retrieving model list from LM Studio..."
            $modelList = & $LMSExe ls --json |

            # return parsed models
            Write-Verbose "Successfully retrieved $($modelList.Count) models"
            return $modelList
        catch {
            $errorMsg = "Failed to get model list: $($_.Exception.Message)"
            Write-Error $errorMsg
            throw $errorMsg

    end {