
Ensures WinMerge is installed and available for file comparison operations.
Verifies if WinMerge is installed and properly configured in the system PATH.
If not found, installs WinMerge using WinGet and adds it to the user's PATH.
Handles the complete installation and configuration process automatically.
Ensures WinMerge is installed and properly configured.

function AssureWinMergeInstalled {


    begin {

        Checks if the WinGet PowerShell module is installed.
        Attempts to import the Microsoft.WinGet.Client module and verifies its

        function IsWinGetInstalled {

            # attempt to load the winget module silently
            Import-Module "Microsoft.WinGet.Client" `
                -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

            # verify if module was loaded successfully
            $module = Get-Module "Microsoft.WinGet.Client" `
                -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

            return $null -ne $module

        Installs the WinGet PowerShell module.
        Installs and imports the Microsoft.WinGet.Client module for package

        function InstallWinGet {

            # install and import winget module with force to ensure success
            Write-Verbose "Installing WinGet PowerShell client..."
            $null = Install-Module "Microsoft.WinGet.Client" -Force -AllowClobber

            # load the newly installed module
            Import-Module "Microsoft.WinGet.Client"

    process {

        # verify if winmerge is available in current session
        if (@(Get-Command 'WinMergeU.exe' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Length -eq 0) {

            # define the standard installation location for winmerge
            $winMergePath = Join-Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA "Programs\WinMerge"

            # get the current user's path environment variable
            $currentPath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', 'User')

            # ensure winmerge path exists in user's path variable
            if ($currentPath -notlike "*$winMergePath*") {

                Write-Verbose "Adding WinMerge to system PATH..."

                # update current session's path
                $env:PATH = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', 'User')

            # check if winmerge is now accessible
            if (@(Get-Command 'WinMergeU.exe' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Length -gt 0) {

            Write-Host "WinMerge not found. Installing WinMerge..."

            # ensure winget is available for installation
            if (-not (IsWinGetInstalled)) {

            # install winmerge using winget package manager
            $null = Install-WinGetPackage -Id 'WinMerge.WinMerge' -Force

            # verify successful installation
            if (-not (Get-Command 'WinMergeU.exe' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
                throw "WinMerge installation failed."

    end {