
Tests if LMStudio is installed and accessible on the system.
Verifies the LMStudio installation by checking if the executable exists at the
expected path location. Uses Get-LMStudioPaths helper function to determine the
installation path and validates the executable's existence.
Returns $true if LMStudio is properly installed, $false otherwise.
Uses the alias to check LMStudio installation status.

function Test-LMStudioInstallation {


    begin {

        # retrieve the lmstudio installation paths using helper function
        Write-Verbose "Retrieving LMStudio installation paths..."
        $paths = Get-LMStudioPaths

    process {

        # check if the exe exists and return result
        Write-Verbose "Verifying LMStudio executable at: $($paths.LMSExe)"

        # use for better performance
        return ((-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($paths.LMSExe)) -and
            [System.IO.File]::Exists($paths.LMSExe) -and
            (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($paths.LMStudioExe)) -and

    end {}