
Add suitable emoticons to a text.
Add suitable emoticons to a text, which can come from pipeline or parameter or clipboard.
Optionally the text to outfit with emoticons, if not specified, will read and set the clipboard.
.PARAMETER Instructions
Addiitional instructions for the model.
The LM-Studio model to use for generating the response.
.PARAMETER SetClipboard
Force the result to be set to the clipboard.
    Add-EmoticonsToText -Text "Hello, how are you?"
    or just get emojify the clipboard text:
    "This is lion, this is a dog, this is a sheep" | emojify

function Add-EmoticonsToText {


    param (
            Position = 0,
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The text to emojify.",
        [string] $Text,
            Position = 1,
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "Additional instructions for the LLM."
        $Instructions = "",
            Position = 2,
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The LM-Studio model to use for generating the response."
        [PSDefaultValue(Value = "qwen")]
        [string]$Model = "qwen",
            Position = 3,
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "Whether to set the clipboard with the result."
        [switch] $SetClipboard

    begin {
        [System.Text.StringBuilder] $allResults = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder;
        $Instructions = "Add funny or expressive emojii to the text. Don't change the text otherwise.`r`n$Instructions `r`nRespond only in json format, like: {`"response`":`"Hello, how are you? 😊`"}"


    process {

        $isFromClipboard = [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Text)
        $Text = "$Text"

        if ($isFromClipboard) {

            $Text = Get-Clipboard

            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Text)) {

                Write-Warning "No text found in the clipboard."

        try {
            Write-Verbose "Emojifying text: `"$Text`".."

            # translate the text
            $Text = (qlms -Query "$Text" -Instructions $Instructions -Model $Model | ConvertFrom-Json).response
        finally {

            $allResults.Append("$Text`r`n") | Out-Null

    end {
        $result = $allResults.ToString();

        if ($SetClipboard) {

            Set-Clipboard -Value $result

