$MyPublisher = "SMFX" $MyModuleName = "GW2.PS" $ReservedSettings = @( 'DefaultProfile', 'Module', 'Publisher', 'Profiles' ) Function ConfigPath { <# .SYNOPSIS Return the path to the configuration file; might depend on platform. #> "$env:AppData\$MyPublisher\$MyModuleName.xml" } Function BasicProfile { <# .SYNOPSIS Provide standard template structure for a profile #> [CmdletBinding()] param([string]$Name) [ordered]@{ "Name" = $Name "APIKey" = $null } } Function LoadConfig { <# .SYNOPSIS Load details from configuration file .DESCRIPTION Import configuration details from file system and generate a default template if not available. #> [CmdletBinding()] param([switch]$PassThru) Process { If (-not (Test-Path (ConfigPath))) { IF (-not (Test-Path (Split-Path (ConfigPath) -Parent))) { $Null = mkdir (Split-Path (ConfigPath) -Parent) } $BasicConfig = [ordered]@{ 'Module' = $MyModuleName 'Publisher' = $MyPublisher 'DefaultProfile' = "Default" 'Profiles' = @{ 'Default' = BasicProfile -Name "Default" } } #$BasicConfig | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path (ConfigPath) $BasicConfig | Save-Config } #$ConfigValue = (Get-Content (ConfigPath) | ConvertFrom-Json ) $ConfigValue = Import-Clixml (ConfigPath) Set-Variable -Name 'ModConfig' -Scope Global -Value $ConfigValue -Option ReadOnly -Force If ($PassThru) { $ConfigValue } } } Function Get-GW2DefaultProfile { <# .SYNOPSIS Return the name of the current default #> $ModConfig.DefaultProfile } Function Save-GW2Config { <# .SYNOPSIS Export settings to configuration file #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $InputObject ) Process { #$InputObject | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content (ConfigPath) $InputObject | Export-Clixml -Path (ConfigPath) } } Function Set-GW2ConfigValue { <# .SYNOPSIS Set a value for the configuration .DESCRIPTION Will store a value in a profile unless -SystemSetting is indicated. If no profile or system is specified, it store in the default profile. #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ProfileSetting")] param( [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$Name, [parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] $Value, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = "ProfileSetting")] [string]$GW2Profile = (Get-DefaultProfile), [parameter(ParameterSetName = "SystemSetting", Mandatory)] [switch]$SystemSetting ) Begin { $TempConfig = LoadConfig -PassThru } Process { If ($SystemSetting) { If ($Name -notin $ReservedSettings) { $TempConfig.$Name = $Value } } else { If (-not ($TempConfig.Profiles.containsKey($GW2Profile))) { $TempConfig.Profiles.$GW2Profile = BasicProfile -Name $GW2Profile } $TempConfig.Profiles.$GW2Profile.$Name = $Value } } End { $TempConfig | Save-Config } } Function Set-GW2DefaultProfile { <# .SYNOPSIS Set the default profile name #> [CmdletBinding()] param() DynamicParam { $RuntimeParamDic = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary $StandardProps = @('Mandatory','ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName','Position') $Attrib = [ordered]@{ 'Name' = @{ 'AttribType' = [string] 'Mandatory' = $true 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true 'Position' = 0 'ValidSet' = ([string[]]($ModConfig.Profiles.Keys)) } } ForEach ($AttribName in $Attrib.Keys) { #[string]$AttribName = $Key.ToString() $ThisAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute ForEach ($Prop in $StandardProps) { If ($null -ne $Attrib.$AttribName.$Prop) { $ThisAttrib.$Prop = $Attrib.$AttribName.$Prop } } $ThisCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $ThisCollection.Add($ThisAttrib) If ($Attrib.$AttribName.ValidSet) { $ThisValidation = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($Attrib.$AttribName.ValidSet) $ThisCollection.Add($ThisValidation) } $ThisRuntimeParam = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($AttribName, $Attrib.$AttribName.AttribType, $ThisCollection) $RuntimeParamDic.Add($AttribName, $ThisRuntimeParam) } return $RuntimeParamDic } Process { Set-GW2ConfigValue -SystemSetting -Name DefaultProfile -Value $Name } } Function NewGW2Function { param( [string]$Base, [string[]]$Subsection ) $FunctionSections = ForEach ($Section in (@($Base) + $Subsection)) { If (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Section)) { ($Section.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + $Section.Substring(1).ToLower()) -replace "s$", "" } } $FunctionString = "Get-GW2$($FunctionSections -join '')" $URIStub = ((@($Base) + $Subsection) -join "/").ToLower() @" Function $FunctionString { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the $URIStub from Guild Wars 2 API #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [string]`$GW2Profile = (Get-GW2DefaultProfile) ) Process { Get-GW2APIValue -APIValue "$URIStub" -GW2Profile `$GW2Profile } } "@ } Function BuildGW2Functions { param($Bases = ((Get-GW2Base) -replace "^/v2/", "" )) ForEach ($Base in $Bases) { $Sections = $Base -split '/' $Root = $Sections[0] If ($Sections.Length -gt 1) { $Subs = $Sections[1..($Sections.Length - 1)] } else { $Subs = $null } NewGW2Function -Base $Root -Subsection $Subs | Set-Clipboard Write-Host "Function for $base on clipboard" Pause } } LoadConfig |