#requires -Modules GroupPolicy function Export-GPOComments { <# .SYNOPSIS Compile HTML Report of GPO comments .DESCRIPTION Compile an HTML report of comments embedded within GPOs, GPO Settings and GP Preferences settings .PARAMETER GPOName Name(s) of Group Policy Objects or '*' for all GPOs .PARAMETER ReportFile Path and name of new HTML report file .PARAMETER StyleSheet Path and name of custom CSS template file (default is /GPODoc/assets/default.css) .EXAMPLE Export-GPOComments -GPOName '*' -ReportFile ".\gpo.htm" .EXAMPLE $GpoNames | Export-GPOComments -ReportFile ".\gpo.htm" .EXAMPLE Export-GPOComments -ReportFile ".\gpo.htm" -StyleSheet ".\mystyles.css" .NOTES 1.2.0 - 7/6/2022 .LINK #> param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True, HelpMessage = 'Name of Policy or Policies')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]] $GPOName, [parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = 'Path to report file')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $ReportFile, [parameter(Mandatory = $False, HelpMessage = 'Path to custom CSS file')] [string] $StyleSheet = "" ) $ModuleData = Get-Module GPODoc $ModuleVer = $ModuleData.Version -join '.' $ModulePath = $ModuleData.Path -replace 'GPODoc.psm1','' Write-Host "GPODoc $ModuleVer -" -ForegroundColor Cyan if ($GPOName -eq '*') { Write-Verbose "loading all policy objects: preferences" $gpos = Get-GPO -All | Sort-Object -Property DisplayName } else { Write-Verbose "loading specific policy objects" $gpos = $GPOName | Foreach-Object {Get-GPO -Name $_} } if ($StyleSheet -eq "") { $StyleSheet = Join-Path $ModulePath -ChildPath "assets\default.css" } if (!(Test-Path $StyleSheet)) { Write-Warning "Error: Stylesheet file not found: $StyleSheet" break } $ReportTitle = "Group Policy Comments - $GPOName" $fragments = @() $fragments += "<h1>Group Policy Report</h1>" foreach ($gpo in $gpos) { $gpoName = $gpo.DisplayName Write-Output "GPO: $gpoName" $desc = Get-GpoComment -GPOName $gpoName -PolicyGroup Policy $sett = Get-GpoComment -GPOName $gpoName -PolicyGroup Settings $pref = Get-GpoComment -GPOName $gpoName -PolicyGroup Preferences Write-Verbose $desc $fragments += "<h2>$gpoName</h2>" $fragments += $desc | ConvertTo-Html -As List $fragments += "<h3>Policy Settings</h3>" $fragments += $sett | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment $fragments += "<h3>Preferences</h3>" $fragments += $pref | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment } $weblink = '' $webtext = "<a href='$weblink'>$weblink</a>" $fragments += "<p class='footer'>Generated by GPODoc $ModuleVer - $webtext - $(Get-Date)</p>" ConvertTo-Html -Body $fragments -CssUri $StyleSheet -Title $ReportTitle | Out-File $ReportFile -Force } |