.SYNOPSIS Creates new GoogleDrive Item, set metadata and upload content .DESCRIPTION Creates new GoogleDrive Item, set metadata and upload content .PARAMETER Path Path to folder to upload .PARAMETER ParentID Folder ID in which new item will be placed .PARAMETER Recurse Recursive upload .PARAMETER ShowProgress Show progress bar while uploading .PARAMETER AccessToken Access Token for request .EXAMPLE Add-GDriveFolder -AccessToken $access_token -Path D:\SomeFolder .OUTPUTS Json with uploaded folder metadata as PSObject .NOTES Author: Max Kozlov .LINK New-GDriveFolder Add-GDriveItem #> function Add-GDriveFolder { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Path, [string[]]$ParentID = @('root'), [switch]$Recurse, [switch]$ShowProgress, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$AccessToken ) $folder = Get-Item $path $CommonParams = @{ ParentID = $ParentID AccessToken = $AccessToken } if ($ShowProgress) { Write-Progress -Activity ('Uploading ' + $Path) -Status ('Create Folder ' + $folder.Name) } $gdfolder = New-GDriveFolder -Name $folder.Name @CommonParams if ($gdfolder) { $CommonParams.ParentID = $gdfolder.Id foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem $folder)) { if ($file -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) { if ($Recurse) { $null = Add-GDriveFolder -Path $file.FullName -Recurse @CommonParams -ShowProgress:$ShowProgress } } else { $null = Add-GDriveItem @CommonParams -Name $file.Name -InFile $file.FullName -ShowProgress:$ShowProgress } } $gdfolder } if ($ShowProgress) { Write-Progress -Activity ('Uploading ' + $Path) -Completed } } |