.SYNOPSIS Updates GoogleDrive Item metadata .DESCRIPTION Updates GoogleDrive Item metadata .PARAMETER ID File ID to update .PARAMETER JsonProperty Json-formatted string with all needed file metadata .PARAMETER AccessToken Access Token for request .EXAMPLE # rename file Set-GDriveItemProperty -AccessToken $access_token -ID '0BAjkl4cBDNVpVbB5nGhKQ195aU0' -JsonProperty '{ "name":"test1" }' .OUTPUTS Json with item metadata as PSObject .NOTES Author: Max Kozlov .LINK Set-GDriveItemContent Move-GDriveItem Rename-GDriveItem #> function Set-GDriveItemProperty { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)] [string]$ID, [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=1)] [Alias('Metadata')] [string]$JsonProperty, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$AccessToken ) $Headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $AccessToken" "Content-type" = "application/json" } # Standart properties always present $Uri = $GDriveUri + $ID + "?supportsTeamDrives=true" Write-Verbose "URI: $Uri" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Set property for item $ID")) { Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Method Patch -Headers $Headers -Body $JsonProperty @GDriveProxySettings } } |