function Test-FPControlRuntime { <# .SYNOPSIS Confirm Task Execution Time .DESCRIPTION Return TRUE if a task runtime is active .PARAMETER RunTime Date Value, or 'now' or 'daily' .PARAMETER Key Label to map to Registry for get/set operations .EXAMPLE Test-FPControlRuntime -RunTime "now" .EXAMPLE Test-FPControlRuntime -RunTime "11/12/2017 10:05:00 PM" .EXAMPLE Test-FPControlRuntime -RunTime "daily" -Key "TestValue" #> param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $True)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $RunTime, [parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string] $Key = "" ) switch ($RunTime) { 'now' { Write-Output $True; break } 'daily' { $lastrun = Get-FPConfiguration -Name "$Key" -Default "" if ($lastrun -ne "") { $prevDate = $(Get-Date($lastrun)).ToShortDateString() Write-FPLog "previous run: $prevDate" if ($prevDate -ne (Get-Date).ToShortDateString()) { Write-FPLog "$prevDate is not today: $((Get-Date).ToShortDateString())" Write-Output $True } } else { Write-FPLog "no previous run" Write-Output $True } break } default { Write-FPLog "checking explicit runtime" if ((Get-Date).ToLocalTime() -ge $RunTime) { Write-Output $True } } } # switch } |