function Set-FPControlWin32Apps { <# .SYNOPSIS Install Win32 Applications .DESCRIPTION Process Configuration Control: Windows Application Installs and Uninstalls .PARAMETER DataSet XML data from control file import .EXAMPLE Set-FPControlWin32Apps -DataSet $xmldata #> param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $True)] $DataSet ) Write-FPLog "--------- win32 app assignments: begin ---------" foreach ($app in $DataSet) { $device = $app.device $collection = $app.collection $appName = $ $action = $app.action $appPlat = $app.platforms $appRun = $ $appParams = $app.params $runtime = $app.when Write-FPLog "device................ $device" Write-FPLog "collection............ $collection" Write-FPLog "appname............... $appName" Write-FPLog "app run............... $appRun" Write-FPLog "action................ $action" Write-FPLog "platform.............. $appPlat" Write-FPLog "runtime............... $runtime" switch ($action) { 'install' { if ($appRun.EndsWith('.msi')) { $proc = "msiexec.exe" $args = "/i `"$appRun`" /q" if ($appParams -ne "") { $args += " $appParams" } } elseif ($appRun.EndsWith('.exe')) { $proc = $appRun $args = $appParams } else { Write-FPLog -Category "Error" -Message "invalid file type" break } Write-FPLog "process............... $proc" Write-FPLog "args.................. $args" Write-FPLog "contacting source to verify availability..." if (Test-Path $appRun) { if (-not $TestMode) { try { $p = Start-Process -FilePath $proc -ArgumentList $args -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru if ((0, 3010) -contains $p.ExitCode) { Write-FPLog "result................ successful!" } else { Write-FPLog -Category "Error" -Message "installation failed with $($p.ExitCode)" } } catch { Write-FPLog -Category "Error" -Message $_.Exception.Message } } else { Write-FPLog "TESTMODE: Would have been applied" } } else { Write-FPLog "installer file is not accessible (skipping)" } break } 'uninstall' { $detect = $app.detect if (Test-FPDetectionRule -DataSet $DataSet -RuleName $detect) { Write-FPLog "ruletest = TRUE" if ($appRun.StartsWith('msiexec /x')) { $proc = "msiexec" $args = ($appRun -replace ("msiexec", "")).trim() Write-FPLog "process............... $proc" Write-FPLog "args.................. $args" if (-not $TestMode) { try { $p = Start-Process -FilePath $proc -ArgumentList $args -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru if ((0, 3010, 1605) -contains $p.ExitCode) { Write-FPLog "result................ uninstall was successful!" } else { Write-FPLog -Category "Error" -Message "uninstall failed with $($p.ExitCode)" } } catch { Write-FPLog -Category "Error" -Message $_.Exception.Message } } else { Write-FPLog "TESTMODE: Would have been applied" } } } else { Write-FPLog "ruletest = FALSE" } break } } # switch } # foreach Write-FPLog "--------- win32 app assignments: finish ---------" } |