function Set-FPControlAppxRemovals { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove Appx Packages .DESCRIPTION Process Configuration Control: Chocolatey Package Removals .PARAMETER DataSet XML data from control file import .EXAMPLE Set-FPControlAppxRemovals -DataSet $xmldata #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True)] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $True)] $DataSet ) Write-FPLog "--------- appx removal assignments: begin ---------" foreach ($appx in $DataSet) { $deviceName = $appx.device $runtime = $appx.when $username = $appx.user $appxcomm = $appx.comment Write-FPLog "device................ $deviceName" Write-FPLog "user.................. $username" Write-FPLog "runtime............... $runtime" Write-FPLog "comment............... $appxcomm" if (Test-FPControlRuntime -RunTime $runtime) { Write-FPLog "run: runtime is now or already passed" $pkglist = $appx.InnerText -split ',' foreach ($pkg in $pkglist) { Write-FPLog "package............... $pkg" if (-not $TestMode) { try { Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object {$_.Name -match $pkg} | Remove-AppxPackage -AllUsers -Confirm:$False Write-FPLog "device................ $scDevice" Write-FPLog "status................ successfully uninstalled" } catch { Write-FPLog -Category 'Error' -Message $_.Exception.Message break } } else { Write-FPLog "TESTMODE: Would have been applied" } } # foreach } else { Write-FPLog "skip: not yet time to run this assignment" } } # foreach Write-FPLog "--------- appx removal assignments: finish ---------" } |