.SYNOPSIS Creates a Freshservice Solution Category. .DESCRIPTION Creates a Freshservice Solution Category via REST API. .PARAMETER name Name of the Solution Category. The maximum number of characters allowed is 255. .PARAMETER description Description of the Solution Category in plain text or HTML format. .PARAMETER visible_in_portals List of Unique portal IDs where this category is visible. Allowed only if the account is configured with multiple portals. .EXAMPLE New-FreshServiceSolutionCategory -name MyCategory id : 18000040165 created_at : 9/29/2022 1:29:35 PM updated_at : 9/29/2022 1:29:35 PM name : MyCategory description : default_category : False position : 4 translations : visible_in_portals : {18000009042} Creates a new Freshservice Solution category. .NOTES This module was developed and tested with Freshservice REST API v2. #> function New-FreshServiceSolutionCategory { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact='Medium')] param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Name of the solution category. The maximum number of characters allowed is 255.', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [string]$name, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Description of the solution category in plain text.', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [string]$description, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'List of Unique portal IDs where this category is visible. Allowed only if the account is configured with multiple portals.', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [long[]]$visible_in_portals ) begin { $PrivateData = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.PrivateData if (!$PrivateData.FreshserviceBaseUri) { throw "No connection found! Setup a new Freshservice connection with New-FreshServiceConnection and then Connect-FreshService. Set a default connection with New-FreshServiceConnection or Set-FreshConnection to automatically connect when importing the module." } $uri = [System.UriBuilder]('{0}/solutions/categories' -f $PrivateData['FreshserviceBaseUri']) } process { $jsonBody = @{} $PSBoundParameters.keys.where{ $PSItem -notin $PrivateData.FreshserviceBodyExclusions }.foreach{ $jsonBody[$PSItem.ToLower()] = $PSBoundParameters[$PSItem] } try { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($uri.Uri.AbsoluteUri)) { $params = @{ Uri = $uri.Uri.AbsoluteUri Method = 'POST' Body = $jsonBody | ConvertTo-Json ErrorAction = 'Stop' } $result = Invoke-FreshworksRestMethod @params if ($result.Content) { $content = $result.Content | ConvertFrom-Json #API returns singluar or plural property based on the number of records, parse to get property returned. $objProperty = $content[0].PSObject.Properties.Name Write-Verbose -Message ("Returning {0} property with count {1}" -f $objProperty, $content."$($objProperty)".Count) $content."$($objProperty)" } } } catch { Throw $_ } } end {} } |