.SYNOPSIS Returns a Freshservice Announcement. .DESCRIPTION Returns a Freshservice Announcement via REST API. .PARAMETER Id Unique id of the Announcement. .PARAMETER State State of Announcement (archived | active | scheduled | unread ). .PARAMETER per_page Number of records to return per page during pagination. Maximum of 100 records. .PARAMETER page The page number to retrieve during pagination. .EXAMPLE Get-FreshServiceAnnouncement id : 21000035135 created_at : 3/25/2023 5:34:21 PM updated_at : 3/25/2023 5:34:21 PM title : SAP Outtage created_by : 21000418005 visible_from : 3/25/2023 5:34:20 PM visible_till : body : SAP IS DOWN No ETA on service restoration body_html : <h1>SAP IS DOWN</h1><p>No ETA on service restoration</p> visibility : everyone state : active groups : departments : is_read : False send_email : False additional_emails : {} id : 21000034874 created_at : 2/22/2023 7:54:58 PM updated_at : 2/22/2023 7:54:58 PM title : Test Announcement created_by : 21000418005 visible_from : 2/22/2023 7:52:08 PM visible_till : body : Test Announcement from Alex's FreshService Instance! body_html : <p>Test Announcement from Alex's FreshService Instance!</p> visibility : everyone state : active groups : departments : is_read : True send_email : False additional_emails : {} id : 21000011768 created_at : 8/29/2022 2:17:30 PM updated_at : 8/29/2022 2:17:30 PM title : Welcome to Freshservice created_by : 21000418005 visible_from : 8/29/2022 2:17:30 PM visible_till : body : Your Freshservice account has been activated and is now ready to use. During your free 21-day trial period, your account will be on the highest trial plan - Enterprise (Trial) and you will have access to all of the features and capabilities of Freshservice. Here are a few quick links to help you set up your service desk: 1. Getting Started with Freshservice 2. Admin's guide to managing a service desk 3. Agent's guide to simplifying tasks and automating tickets 4. Go-live handbook 5. Network and engage with peers in the Freshservice Community You can also explore the Admin settings to get started with your service desk. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at and a representative will get in touch with you. Please note: This is a default announcement banner and can be dismissed by clicking on the cancel icon. body_html : <div>Your Freshservice account has been activated and is now ready to use. During your free 21-day trial period, your account will be on the <a href="">highest trial plan - Enterprise (Trial)</a> and you will have access to all of the features and capabilities of Freshservice. Here are a few quick links to help you set up your service desk:<pre><br> 1.<a href=""> Getting Started with Freshservice</a><br> 2.<a href=""> Admin's guide to managing a service desk</a><br> 3.<a href=""> Agent's guide to simplifying tasks and automating tickets</a><br> 4.<a href=""> Go-live handbook</a><br> 5.<a href=""> Network and engage with peers in the Freshservice Community</a></pre><br>You can also explore the Admin settings to get started with your service desk.<br><br>If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at and a representative will get in touch with you.<br><br><strong>Please note:</strong> This is a default announcement banner and can be dismissed by clicking on the cancel icon.</div> visibility : everyone state : active groups : departments : is_read : True send_email : False additional_emails : {} Returns all Freshservice Announcements. .EXAMPLE Get-FreshServiceAnnouncement -id 21000035135 id : 21000035135 created_at : 3/25/2023 5:34:21 PM updated_at : 3/25/2023 5:34:21 PM title : SAP Outtage created_by : 21000418005 visible_from : 3/25/2023 5:34:20 PM visible_till : body : SAP IS DOWN No ETA on service restoration body_html : <h1>SAP IS DOWN</h1><p>No ETA on service restoration</p> visibility : everyone state : active groups : departments : is_read : True send_email : False additional_emails : {} Returns all Freshservice Announcement by Id. .NOTES This module was developed and tested with Freshservice REST API v2. #> function Get-FreshServiceAnnouncement { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')] param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Unique id of the Announcement.', ParameterSetName = 'id', Position = 0 )] [long]$Id, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Name of the Announcement', ParameterSetName = 'ByName', Position = 0 )] [ValidateSet('archived','active','scheduled','unread')] [string]$State, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Number of records per page returned during pagination. Default is 30. Max is 100.', ParameterSetName = 'default', Position = 0 )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Number of records per page returned during pagination. Default is 30. Max is 100.', ParameterSetName = 'ByName', Position = 1 )] [int]$per_page = 100, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Page number to begin record return.', ParameterSetName = 'default', Position = 1 )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Page number to begin record return.', ParameterSetName = 'ByName', Position = 2 )] [int]$page = 1 ) begin { $PrivateData = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.PrivateData if (!$PrivateData.FreshserviceBaseUri) { throw "No connection found! Setup a new Freshservice connection with New-FreshServiceConnection and then Connect-FreshService. Set a default connection with New-FreshServiceConnection or Set-FreshConnection to automatically connect when importing the module." } $qry = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([String]::Empty) $uri = [System.UriBuilder]('{0}/announcements' -f $PrivateData['FreshserviceBaseUri']) $enablePagination = $true } process { if ($Id) { $uri.Path = "{0}/{1}" -f $uri.Path, $Id $enablePagination = $false } if ($State) { $qry.Add('state', $State.ToLower() ) } try { if ($enablePagination) { $qry['page'] = $page $qry['per_page'] = $per_page } $uri.Query = $qry.ToString() $uri = $uri.Uri.AbsoluteUri $results = do { $params = @{ Uri = $uri Method = 'GET' ErrorAction = 'Stop' } $result = Invoke-FreshworksRestMethod @params if ($result.Content) { $content = $result.Content | ConvertFrom-Json #API returns singluar or plural property based on the number of records, parse to get property returned. $objProperty = $content[0].PSObject.Properties.Name Write-Verbose -Message ("Returning {0} property with count {1}" -f $objProperty, $content."$($objProperty)".Count) $content."$($objProperty)" } if ($result.Headers.Link) { $uri = [regex]::Matches($result.Headers.Link,'<(?<Uri>.*)>')[0].Groups['Uri'].Value } } until (!$result.Headers.Link) } catch { Throw $_ } } end { $results } } |