function Invoke-FGGetRequestToFile { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$URI, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$File ) If (!($Global:AccessToken)) { Throw "No Access Token found. Please run Get-AccessToken or Get-AccessTokenInteractive before running this function." } Else { $AccessToken = $Global:AccessToken } If ($Global:DebugMode) { If ($Global:DebugMode.Contains('G')) { Write-Host "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Debug Message ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" -ForegroundColor Blue Write-Host "Invoke-FGGetRequest" -ForegroundColor Blue Write-Host $URI -ForegroundColor Blue } } #Check if Access token is expired, if so get new one. $TokenIsStillValid = Confirm-FGAccessTokenValidity if (!($TokenIsStillValid)) { If ($Global:DebugMode) { If ($Global:DebugMode.Contains('G')) { Write-Host "Access Token Expired, getting new one" -ForegroundColor Blue } } If ($global:ClientSecret) { Get-FGAccessToken -ClientID $Global:ClientID -TenantId $Global:TenantId -ClientSecret $global:ClientSecret } Elseif ($global:RefreshToken) { Get-FGAccessTokenWithRefreshToken -ClientID $Global:ClientID -TenantId $Global:TenantId -RefreshToken $global:RefreshToken } Else { Throw "Access Token expired." } } $ReturnValue = $Null Try { #Run request $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $URI -Headers @{"Authorization" = "Bearer $AccessToken" } } Catch { Throw $_ } #Most get requests will return results in .value but not all.. grr... watch out.. having the propery .value doesn't mean it has a value if ($ -match "value") { $ReturnValue = $Result.value } else { $ReturnValue = $Result } #Add results to file $ReturnValue | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File $File -Force #By default you only get 100 results... its paged While ($Result.'@odata.nextLink') { Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $Result.'@odata.nextLink' -Headers @{"Authorization" = "Bearer $AccessToken" } } Catch { Throw $_ } #Most get requests will return results in .value but not all.. grr... watch out.. having the propery .value doesn't mean it has a value if ($ -match "value") { $ReturnValue = $Result.value } else { $ReturnValue = $Result } #Add results to file, this will add a seperate JSON to the file.. breaking the JSON format $ReturnValue | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File $File -Append } #We now have a file with multiple jsons not a single one. We need to make it a single JSON again. $FileObject = Get-Item -Path $File $FilePath = $FileObject.Directory.FullName Rename-Item -Path $File -NewName "Input.json" # Define the input and output file paths $InputFilePath = $FilePath + "\Input.json" $OutputFilePath = $File # Create a StreamReader to read the input file $Reader = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($InputFilePath) # Create a StreamWriter to write to the output file $Writer = [System.IO.StreamWriter]::new($OutputFilePath) # Read the first line from the file $PreviousLine = $Reader.ReadLine() # Write the first line to the output file $Writer.WriteLine($PreviousLine) # Read the next line from the file $PreviousLine = $Reader.ReadLine() # Read subsequent lines and check for consecutive lines containing ']' and '[' while (-not $Reader.EndOfStream) { # Read the next line $CurrentLine = $Reader.ReadLine() # Check if the current line and the previous line contain ']' and '[' respectively if ($PreviousLine -eq ']' -and $CurrentLine -eq '[') { # Skip writing both lines since they match the condition # Read the next line and update the previous line $Writer.WriteLine(',') $PreviousLine = $Reader.ReadLine() } else { # Write the previous line to the output file $Writer.WriteLine($PreviousLine) # Update the previous line with the current line $PreviousLine = $CurrentLine } } # Write the last line if it doesn't match the condition $Writer.WriteLine($PreviousLine) # Close the StreamReader and StreamWriter $Reader.Close() $Writer.Close() Remove-Item $InputFilePath -Force } |