function Convert-FMZone2VLAN { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts an interface from a firewall policy to the addresses of the physical interfaces/vlan on the relevant devices. .DESCRIPTION Converts an interface from a firewall policy to the addresses of the physical interfaces/vlan on the relevant devices. .PARAMETER Connection The API connection object. .PARAMETER LoggingLevel On which level should die diagnostic Messages be logged? .PARAMETER EnableException If set to True, errors will throw an exception .PARAMETER Zone The names of the interface/Zone/localiced interface name (found in policy rules) .PARAMETER ReturnType How should the results be returned? 'simpleIpList': Array of ipmasks 'ZoneVLANHash': Hashtable, @{"$zoneName"=[Array of ipmasks]} 'ZoneVDOMVLANHash': Hashtable, values=[Array of ipmasks] keys= "{ZONE-Name}|{VDOM}" .PARAMETER Scope The scope which should be looked up. @(@{name='deviceName';vdom='vdom name'}) By default all available devices/vdoms will be looked up. .EXAMPLE $policy=Get-FMFirewallPolicy -Package ALL -Option 'scope member' -filter "policyid -eq 1234" Convert-FMZone2VLAN -Zone $policy.srcintf,$policy.dstintf Returns a list of ipmasks .EXAMPLE $policy=Get-FMFirewallPolicy -Package ALL -Option 'scope member' -filter "policyid -eq 1234" Convert-FMZone2VLAN -Zone $policy.srcintf,$policy.dstintf Returns a list of ipmasks .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $Connection = (Get-FMLastConnection), [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string[]]$Zone, [ValidateSet('simpleIpList', 'ZoneVLANHash', 'ZoneVDOMVLANHash')] $ReturnType = 'simpleIpList', [string]$LoggingLevel='Verbose', $Scope, [bool]$EnableException = $true ) Write-PSFMessage "Determine VLANs from Zones: $($Zone -join ',')" Write-PSFMessage "Query all VDOMs and corresponding VLANs" if ($null -eq $Scope) { Write-PSFMessage "Scope is ALL devices and vdoms" # $Scope = Get-FMDeviceInfo -Connection $connection -Option 'object member' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "object member" | Where-Object { $_.vdom } | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include name, vdom $Scope = Get-FMFirewallScope -Connection $Connection | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include name, vdom }else{ $Scope = $Scope|ConvertTo-PSFHashtable } # Query all localized interface names into a HashTable # Key-Format: [Localized Interface Name]|[Device Name]|[Device VDOM] # Value: List of local Zone/Interface Names $localizedInterfaceList = Get-FMInterface $localizedInterfaceHashMap = @{} foreach ($interface in $localizedInterfaceList) { $localizedName = $ foreach ($dynaMapping in $interface.dynamic_mapping) { foreach ($interfaceScope in $dynaMapping._scope) { $key = "$localizedName|$($|$($interfaceScope.vdom)" $localizedInterfaceHashMap.$key = $dynaMapping."local-intf" } } } # $Scope = Get-FMDeviceInfo -Connection $connection -Option 'object member' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "object member" | Where-Object { $_.vdom } | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include name, vdom -Remap @{name = 'device' } foreach ($device in $Scope) { Write-PSFMessage "Query Device $($device|ConvertTo-Json -Compress)" $apiCallParameter = @{ EnableException = $EnableException LoggingAction = "Undocumented" Connection = $Connection LoggingActionValues = "Query all interface VLAN from a specific Device/VDOM" method = "get" LoggingLevel = $LoggingLevel path = "/pm/config/device/{name}/vdom/{vdom}/system/interface" | Merge-FMStringHashMap -Data $device } $device.vlanHash = @{} $currentInterfaces = Invoke-FMAPI @apiCallParameter # | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 6 foreach ($interface in $ { $name = $ $device.vlanHash.$name = $interface.ip # if ($interface.ip[1] -eq '') { # $address = "$($interface.ip[0])/0" # } # else { # $address = Convert-FMSubnetMask -IPMask "$($interface.ip[0])/$($interface.ip[1])" # } # $device.vlanHash.$name = $address } } switch -regex ($ReturnType) { '.*List' { $returnValue = @() } '.*Hash' { $returnValue = @{} } } Write-PSFMessage "`$returnValue.type=$($returnValue.GetType())" foreach ($curZone in $Zone) { Write-PSFMessage "Checking Zone: $curZone" switch ($ReturnType) { 'ZoneVLANHash' { $returnValue.$curZone = @() } } $queryData = @{zone = $curZone | convertto-fmurlpart } $apiCallParameter = @{ EnableException = $true Connection = $Connection LoggingAction = "Undocumented" LoggingActionValues = "Query interfaces from a specific Device/VDOM" method = "get" LoggingLevel = 'Verbose' } $singleDeviceVdomURL = "/pm/config/device/{{name}}/vdom/{{vdom}}/system/zone/{zone}" foreach ($queryData in $Scope) { $hashKey = "$curZone|$($|$($queryData.vdom)" Write-PSFMessage "`$hashKey=$hashKey" $localZoneName = $localizedInterfaceHashMap.$hashKey Write-PSFMessage "Local Interface Name from localized Name $curZone=$localZoneName" if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($localZoneName)) { Write-PSFMessage "No local name found, continue" continue } $ = $localZoneName | convertto-fmurlpart $apiCallParameter.path = $singleDeviceVdomURL | Merge-FMStringHashMap -Data $queryData Write-PSFMessage "`$queryData=$($queryData|ConvertTo-Json -compress), Path=$($apiCallParameter.path)" try { $result = Invoke-FMAPI @apiCallParameter Write-PSFMessage "Found" $interfaceList = $ # Write-PSFMessage "Query: $($queryData|ConvertTo-Json -compress), Results: $($result|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4)" Write-PSFMessage "interfaceList for $($queryData|ConvertTo-Json -compress): $($interfaceList -join ',')" foreach ($interface in $interfaceList) { $vlanIP = $queryData.vlanHash.$interface if ($vlanIP[1] -eq '') { $address = "$($vlanIP[0])/0" } else { $address = Convert-FMSubnetMask -IPMask "$($vlanIP[0])/$($vlanIP[1])" -Verbose:$false } switch ($ReturnType) { 'simpleIpList' { Write-PSFMessage "Adding VLAN Info to simpleIpListList" $returnValue += $address } 'ZoneVLANHash' { Write-PSFMessage "Adding Interfaces to ZoneVLANHash" $returnValue.$curZone += $address } 'ZoneVDOMVLANHash' { $returnKey = "$curZone|$($queryData.vdom)" Write-PSFMessage "returnKey=$returnKey" -Tag "hubba" $returnValue.$returnKey = $address } default { Write-PSFMessage "`$ReturnType $ReturnType unknown" } } } } catch { Write-PSFMessage "Zone does not exist for $($queryData|Select-Object name,vdom|ConvertTo-Json -Compress)" } } } # Write-PSFMessage "`$returnValue=$($returnValue|ConvertTo-Json)" # $localizedInterfaceHashMap | json return $returnValue } |