
function Measure-Interest
        Measures compound interest
        Measures compound interest, using the formula:
        ### P = C(1 + r/n)^nt
        * P is the future value
        * C is the initial deposit,
        * r is the rate expressed as a fraction
        * n is the number of times per year interest is compounded
        * t is the number of years invested

    # The initial deposit

    # The rate, expressed as a percentage

    # The number of times interest is compounded per year
    #|Default 1
    [Double]$TimesCompoundedPerYear = 1,

    # The number of years you keep the investment
    #|Default 1
    [Double]$YearsInvested= 1

    process {
        $InitialDeposit * ([MAth]::Pow(( 1+ ($Rate / 100 / $TimesCompoundedPerYear)),($TimesCompoundedPerYear * $YearsInvested)))
