
#Please read the section 'Information for translators' on the GitHub project page
#Read also Get-Help about_Script_Internationalization

#The language en-US file prepared by Wojciech Sciesinski, wojciech[at]sciesinski[dot]net
#String aligned to version - see msg00 value

#Translate values, don't touch 'msgxx' fields !

# culture="en-US"
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
        msg00 = 1.3.3
        msg01 = Table of Contents
        msg02 = Total Tests
        msg03 = Passed Tests
        msg04 = Failed Tests
        msg05 = Skipped Tests
        msg06 = Pending Tests
        msg07 = Results summary
        msg08 = Evaluating tests results for
        msg09 = Passed
        msg10 = Details for passed tests
        msg11 = Details for passed tests by Describe block:
        msg12 = Details for passed tests by Context block:
        msg13 = Found passed tests in Decribe blocks
        msg14 = Found passed tests in Context block
        msg15 = Describe
        msg16 = Context
        msg17 = Name
        msg18 = Failed
        msg19 = Details for failed tests
        msg20 = Details for failed tests by Describe block:
        msg21 = Details for failed tests by Context block:
        msg22 = Found failed tests in Decribe blocks
        msg23 = Found failed in Context blocks
        msg24 = Failure Message
        msg25 = Passed tests
        msg26 = Failed tests
        msg27 = The language
        msg28 = is not supported. Language en-US will be used.
        msg29 = Version of used language file is diffrent than than version of Format-Pester.ps1 file. Some texts can not be displayed correctly.
        msg30 = Performing action for
        msg31 = amount of results