
 Returns a hyperlink for display in an ANSI-escape-capable Terminal emulator
 Returns a hyperlink for display in an ANSI-escape-capable Terminal emulator. The URI will be hidden behind the link label via ANSI escape sequences making a more aesthetically-pleasing view. Supported terminal emulators include Windows Terminal, VTK-based Linux terminal emulators, the macOS Terminal, and iTerm.
.Parameter Uri
 The hyperlink destination.
.Parameter Label
 The hyperlink text for display in the terminal emulator.
 # Use the pipeline to input the Uri
 "" | Format-Hyperlink -Label "Example website" | Write-Output
 # Specify the Uri on the invokation
 Format-Hyperlink -Uri "" -Label "Example website" | Write-Output
 # Output the Uri from the pipeline without a Label
 "" | Format-Hyperlink | Write-Output
 # Output the Uri without a Label
 Format-Hyperlink -Uri "" | Write-Output

function Format-Hyperlink {
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)]
        [Uri] $Uri,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position = 1)]
        [string] $Label

    process {
        if (-not $Uri -or $Uri -eq "") {
            if ($Label -and $Label -ne "") {
                return "$Label"
            return ""

        if (($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6 -or $IsWindows) -and -not $Env:WT_SESSION) {
            # Fallback for Windows users not inside Windows Terminal
            if ($Label -and $Label -ne "") {
                return "$Label ($Uri)"
            return "$Uri"

        if ($Label -and $Label -ne "") {
            return "$([char]0x1b)]8;;$Uri$([char]0x1b)\$Label$([char]0x1b)]8;;$([char]0x1b)\"

        return "$Uri"

Export-ModuleMember -Function Format-Hyperlink