.VERSION 1.0.0 .GUID 19631007-263d-4567-b726-665727c076ce .AUTHOR iRon .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS Csv format align columns readable .LICENSE .PROJECTURI .ICON .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .SYNOPSIS Formats (aligns) a Csv table .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet makes a Csv file or list better human readable by aligning the columns in a way that the resulted Csv format is still a valid as input for the ConvertFrom-Csv cmdlet. .INPUTS Csv (here) string or object list .OUTPUTS String[] .PARAMETER InputObject Specifies the CSV strings to be formatted or the objects that are converted to CSV formatted strings. You can also pipe objects to ConvertTo-CSV. .PARAMETER Align Specifies the alignment of the columns * Left - to align all the columns to the left * Right - to align all the columns to the Right * Auto - to autmatically align each cell depending on the column and cell contents When autmatic alignment is set, the whole column is aligned to the right if all cells are numeric. Besides, each individual cell that contains a number type (e.g. integer) will also aligned to the right. .PARAMETER Delimiter Specifies the delimiter to separate the property values in CSV strings. The default is a comma (,). Enter a character, such as a colon (:). To specify a semicolon (;) enclose it in single quotation marks. .PARAMETER Quote Quotes all the headers and values. If the Quote switch is set, all the delimeters are aligned. (By default, each value is directly followed by a delimiter for compatibility reasons.) .PARAMETER Tight This switch will remove the leading space (only added when the -Quote switch is set) and trailing space attached to each delimiter. .EXAMPLE $Csv = @' "Name","Number","Object","Remark" "One","1","Text","Normal" "Two","2","123","Number" "Three","3","Te,xt","Comma in Text" "Four","4","Te""xt","Double quote in text" ,,,"Empty ($Null)" "Five","5","More","Normal" '@ $Csv |Format-Csv Name, Number, Object, Remark One, 1, Text, Normal Two, 2, 123, Number Three, 3, "Te,xt", "Comma in Text" Four, 4, "Te""xt", "Double quote in text" , , , "Empty ($Null)" Five, 5, More, Normal .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Html')][OutputType([Object[]])] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeLine = $True, Mandatory = $True)]$InputObject, [Char]$Delimiter = ',', [ValidateSet('Auto', 'Left', 'Right')][String]$Align = 'Auto', [Switch]$Quote, [Switch]$Tight ) begin { function Quote([String]$String) { if ($String.Contains('"')) { '"' + $String.Replace('"', '""') + '"' } elseif ($Quote -or $String.Contains($Delimiter) -or ($String -match '\s')) { '"' + $String + '"' } else { $String } } function IsNumeric([String]$String) { [double]::TryParse($String, [ref]$Null) } $Separator = if ($Tight) { "$Delimiter" } elseif ($Quote) { " $Delimiter " } else { "$Delimiter " } $Column = [Ordered]@{} $List = [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]::new() } process { if ($List.get_Count() -or $InputObject) { $List.Add($InputObject) } # Skip leading empty objects } end { if ($List.get_Count()) { if ($List[0] -is [String]) { $List = $List |ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter $Delimiter } $Names = @($List[0].PSObject.Properties.Where{ $_.MemberType -eq 'NoteProperty' }.Name) if (!$Names) { $Names = @($List[0].PSObject.Properties.Where{ $_.MemberType -eq 'Property' }.Name) } foreach ($Name in $Names) { $Header = Quote $Name $IsNumber = $Name -isnot [String] -and (IsNumeric $Name) # Numeric type $Column[$Name] = @{ Data = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]$Header IsNumber = [System.Collections.Generic.List[bool]]@($IsNumber) # Width = $Header.Length Left = if ($Align -eq 'Left') { $True } elseif ($Align -eq 'Right') { $False } else { $Null } } } foreach ($Object in $List) { foreach ($Name in $Names) { $Value = $Object.$Name $IsNumber = $Value -isnot [String] -and (IsNumeric $Value) # Numeric type $Column[$Name].IsNumber.Add($IsNumber) $String = "$Value" if ($Null -eq $Column[$Name].Left -and -not ($String -eq "" -or (IsNumeric $String))) { $Column[$Name].Left = $True } # Numeric string $String = Quote $String if ($Column[$Name].Width -lt $String.Length) { $Column[$Name].Width = $String.Length } $Column[$Name].Data.Add($String) } } for ($y = 0; $y -lt $Column[0].Data.Count; $y++) { -Join @( for ($x = 0; $x -lt $Names.Count; $x++) { $Left = $Align -eq 'Left' -or ($Align -eq 'auto' -and $Column[$x].Left -and -not $Column[$x].IsNumber[$y]) $String = $Column[$x].Data[$y] $Width = $Column[$x].Width if ($Left) { if ($x -eq $Names.Count - 1) { $String } elseif ($Quote) { $String.PadRight($Width, ' ') + $Separator } else { ($String + $Separator).PadRight($Width + $Separator.Length, ' ') } } else { if ($x -eq $Names.Count - 1) { $String.PadLeft($Width, ' ') } else { $String.PadLeft($Width, ' ') + $Separator } } } ) } } } |