
.GUID 6d06e54e-f29e-4c27-9fb2-ed1dfbd0dc79
.AUTHOR Dima Stadub
.TAGS 7zip encode zip archive

  Encode files from folder for(for example) uploading to cloud
Used as backups encoding solution.
Encoding performed with 7z password protection
There was no reasons (thank goodness) decoding stored data so currently there no decoder script
It you need - please create github issue and I'll add scrpit for folder decoding.
Manually files can be decoded with the next algorithm:
1)Concat value from .masterKey and add ':' to beginign and by using resulting key extract .keys file from .keys.7z
2)Find apropriate row in .key for file that shoudl be decoded.
3)Concat first row from .masterKey with first row from .key file and ':' to beginign
4)Use key from previouse step as 7z password for decode file
   EncodeVia7z "c:\windows\System42" "d:\System"
.PARAMETER SrcFolder (optional)
   Folder to be encoded
   Destanation folder where encoded files be created

param (
    [string]$SrcFolder = (Get-Location).Path,

    [string]$DestFolder = (Get-Location).Path

#$DebugPreference = "Continue"

$Slash = [IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar; 

$7zWin = "$binDir\7za.exe"
$sha1 = "$binDir\fciv.exe"


$script:7zPath = $null;
$script:shaTool = $null

function DownloadUtil {
    param (

    $reply = Read-Host -Prompt "Would you like to download '$name'?[y/n] `
    [Y] Yes [N] No [S] Suspend(default is ""Yes""):"

    if ( -not $reply -match "[yY]" -and $null -ne $reply ) {  
        throw "Execution aborted"

    Write-Output "Starting download '$name'"

    Write-Debug "Downoad url:${url}"

    (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($url, $file)
    Write-Debug "File downloaded to ${file}."


function CheckUtils {
    $os = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform
    if($os -like 'win*'){
        Write-Debug "Os:Windows"

        Write-Debug "Trying to locate 7-zip by the path: ${7zWin}"

        if( ! (Test-Path $7zWin)){
            Write-Output '7Zip didn''t found.'
            $file = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() 
            Write-Debug "Temp file: ${file}"

            DownloadUtil  "7-Zip" $file $7zWinDownloadDir
            Write-Debug "Extracting to directory ${binDir}"
            if ( ! (Test-Path $binDir )) {mkdir $binDir}
            Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
            [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($file, $binDir)
        $script:7zPath = $7zWin

        Write-Debug "Trying to locate sha1 util by the path: ${sha1Win}"
        if( ! (Test-Path $sha1)){
            Write-Output 'fciv didn''t found.'

            $file = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
            Write-Debug "Temp file: ${file}"

            DownloadUtil "fciv" $file $sha1Win
            if ( ! (Test-Path $binDir )) {mkdir $binDir}
            & $7zPath e $file "-o${binDir}" -y
        $script:shaTool = "${sha1} -sha1 ";

        #linux or macOs
        get-command p7zip -Erroraction 'silentlycontinue'| ForEach-Object{ $7zPath= $_.Path}
        if ( ! $7zPath ){
             #sudo apt-get install p7zip
             $script:aborted = $true
            throw "p7zip application is not installed.
            If you using debian/ubuntu run `sudo apt-get install p7zip` then restart the script"

        $shaTool = "shasum "

$script:aborted = $false

$Keyfile = ".keys";
$KeyfilePath = $DestFolder + $Slash + $Keyfile;
$MaserKeyfilePath = $DestFolder + $Slash + ".masterKey"

function ZipFile {
    param (
        [ValidateScript( { Test-Path ( $SrcFolder + $Slash + $_ ) -pathType leaf })] 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Write-Output "Creating Archive for file ""$FileName"""

    $_srcFile = $SrcFolder + $Slash + $FileName
    $_dstFile = $DestFolder + $Slash + $FileName.Replace('.', '_')

    if ( Test-Path "${_dstFile}.7z" ) {
        Write-Error "Arhive ""$FileName"" allready exist in folder ""$DestFolder"", please select another distanation."
        return -1;

    $AllArgs = @('a', "$_dstFile", "$_srcFile", "-p:$Key");

    $process = Start-Process -FilePath $7zPath -ArgumentList $AllArgs -NoNewWindow -PassThru -Wait

    $code = $process.ExitCode.ToString();

    Write-Output "File compressed. Return code: $code"
    return $process.ExitCode


function GetFileHash {
    param (
        [ValidateScript( { Test-Path ($_ ) -pathType leaf })] 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # --- getting file sha1 checksum

    $_hash = Invoke-Expression "$shaTool $FilePath"
    #remove extra lines
    $_hash = $_hash | ForEach-Object { 
        if ( ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.ToString()) -and !$_.ToString().StartsWith("//")) { 
            Write-Output $_; 
    #extract hash
    $_hash = $_hash.Split(' ')[0];

    Write-Output $_hash

function EncodeFile() {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript( { Test-Path ( $SrcFolder + $Slash + $_ ) -pathType leaf })] 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Write-Output "Encoding file ""$FileName"""

    $srcFile = $SrcFolder + $Slash + $FileName;

    $hash = GetFileHash -FilePath $srcFile;

    $key = $Salt + $hash;

    Write-Output "$hash $FileName">>$KeyfilePath;

    $result = ZipFile -FileName  $FileName -Key $Key -SrcFolder $SrcFolder   -DestFolder $DestFolder;

    if ( $result -eq "0" ) {
        throw "Encoding aborted. Some error occured."
        $script:aborted = $false


   Encode files from folder for(for example) uploading to cloud
    Used as backups encoding solution.
    Encoding performed with 7z password protection
 .Parameter SrcFolder
  Folder to be encoded.
 .Parameter DestFolder
  Destanation folder where encoded files be created.
   # Add bookmark with name.
   ./Add-PSBookmark [ ba ] BookmarkName (Opt)Directory
   # Add bookmark from pipeline.
   $pwd | Add-PSBookmark -Name "ThisDirectory"

function EncodeFolder {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$SrcFolder,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$DestFolder

    if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SrcFolder) ) {
        $SrcFolder = (Get-Location).Path
    if ( Test-Path $KeyfilePath ) {
        Write-Error "Key file already exist"

        $reply = Read-Host -Prompt "Would you like to remove it? [y/n] `
        [Y] Yes [N] No [S] Suspend(default is ""Yes""):"

        if ( -not $reply -match "[yY]" -and $null -ne $reply ) {  
            throw "Execution aborted"
            return -1;
        Remove-Item -Force $KeyfilePath | out-null

    $salt = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString();

    Get-ChildItem $SrcFolder | ForEach-Object {
        if ($script:aborted -eq $true) { return; }
        $FileName = $_.Name;
        if($_.Attributes -eq [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Directory ){
            Write-Error "Cannot process the deirectory ${$_.Name}. Directories are not supported."

        EncodeFile $salt $SrcFolder $DestFolder $FileName

    EncodeFile $salt $SrcFolder $DestFolder $Keyfile

    $KeysFileHash = Get-Content  $KeyfilePath | Select-Object -last 1
    $KeysFileHash = $KeysFileHash.Split(' ')[0];

    Write-Output "$salt $KeysFileHash">$MaserKeyfilePath


#EncodFolder $SrcFolder $DestFolder;

Export-ModuleMember -Function EncodeFolder