

# FOG Api Powershell Module

This is a powershell module to simplify the use of the Fog Project API.
This module is used to easily run Fog API commands on your fogserver from a powershell console or script.
FOG is an opensource tool for imaging comptuters, this module uses the API on your internal fog server to
perform almost any operation you can do in the GU

# FOG Api Powershell Module

This is a powershell module to simplify the use of the Fog Project API.
This module is used to easily run Fog API commands on your fogserver from a powershell console or script.
FOG is an opensource tool for imaging comptuters, this module uses the API on your internal fog server to
perform almost any operation you can do in the GUI of Fog and provides you with the ability to extend things further.
It can be used to create more automation or to simply have a command line method of controlling fog operations.
This essentially gives you a crossplatform commandline interface for fog tasks and makes many things easier to automate.

Docs for this module can be found at

For more information about FOG see


# Versioning

The versioning of this module follows this pattern

`{Year|Month}.{Major Version}.{Revision #}`

See for more info

# Usage

You can use Set-fogserverSettings to set your fogserver hostname and api keys.
Or, the first time you try to run a command the settings.json file will automatically open in an OS Specific editor.
You can also open the settings.json file and edit it manually before running your first command.
The default settings are explanations of where to find the proper settings since json cannot have comments

Once the settings are set you can utilze the fog documentation found here that was used to model the parameters for Get-FogObject, Update-FogObject, and Remove-FogObject.
You can also utilize simpler functions of common tasks, see the links below for more info.

# Additional info

 - Examples and More:
 - All Commands -
 - FogForums module thread:
 - Full change log available at
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Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name FogApi

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name FogApi

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More




Package Details


  • JJ Fullmer FOG Project


fog fogapi imaging provisioning fogproject


Add-FogHostMac Add-FogResultData Approve-FogPendingMac Deny-FogPendingMac Disable-FogApiHTTPS Dismount-WinEfi Enable-FogApiHTTPS Find-FogObject Get-FogActiveTasks Get-FogGroupAssociations Get-FogGroupByName Get-FogGroups Get-FogHost Get-FogHostAssociatedSnapins Get-FogHostGroup Get-FogHostMacs Get-FogHostPendingMacs Get-FogHosts Get-FogImages Get-FogInventory Get-FogLog Get-FogMacAddresses Get-FogModules Get-FogObject Get-FogSecsSinceEpoch Get-FogServerSettings Get-FogServerSettingsFile Get-FogSetting Get-FogSettings Get-FogSnapinAssociations Get-FogSnapins Get-FogVersion Get-LastImageTime Get-WinBcdPxeID Get-WinEfiMountLetter Install-FogService Invoke-FogApi Mount-WinEfi New-FogHost New-FogObject Receive-FogImage Remove-FogObject Remove-UsbMac Repair-FogSnapinAssociations Reset-HostEncryption Resolve-HostID Send-FogImage Send-FogWolTask Set-FogHostImage Set-FogInventory Set-FogServerSettings Set-FogServerSettingsFileSecurity Set-FogSetting Set-FogSnapins Set-WinToBootToPxe Start-FogSnapin Start-FogSnapins Test-FogVerAbove1dot6 Test-StringNotNullOrEmpty Update-FogObject


Desktop Core


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

# 2411.9.17

Update receive-fogimage and test choco publish (#31)

* Fix some typos in descriptions and add step in Remove-ModuleManually to remove the parent install folder if no other versions exist.

* Update

markdown fixes and spell checking

* Add error handling if a module path doesn't exist for choco package install template

* Should resolve Add pipeline and task options to Receive-FogImage #29


Co-authored-by: geotsot <>

Full change log history available at


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
2411.9.17 (current version) 8,475 11/17/2024
2409.9.16 5,036 9/14/2024
2409.9.4 852 9/4/2024
2408.9.3 566 8/30/2024
2408.9.2 575 8/22/2024
2311.6.4 17,244 11/17/2023
2310.6.3 563 10/11/2023
2310.6.2 13 10/11/2023
2304.5.41 3,934 4/12/2023
2302.5.40 10 4/12/2023
2302.5.33 330 3/29/2023
2302.5.26 46 3/1/2023
2209.4.5 222 10/21/2022
2209.4.1 350 10/12/2022
2208.3.3 593 8/24/2022
2208.3.1 20 8/23/2022
2103.2.13 18 8/23/2022
2103.2.12 1,926 3/26/2021
2004.2.2.7 74 12/3/2020
2004.2.2.4 27 11/17/2020
2002.2.1.2 80 4/21/2020
1903.0.0.22 96 9/25/2019
1.6 285 6/11/2018
1.2 31 6/5/2018
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