if((Get-Command New-KeePassKey -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) { . "$PSScriptRoot\New-KeePassKey.ps1" } function Open-KeePassPackage() { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new KeePass master key .DESCRIPTION The master key is a composite key that are required to open KeePass database files. Without it, the file can not be decrypted. .PARAMETER Path The file path to the KeePass database file .PARAMETER Key The KeePass composite master key, which is created by `New-KeePassKey` .PARAMETER Password (Optional) The password for the composite key. .PARAMETER KeyFile (Optional) A file of bytes for the composites key. .PARAMETER Do (Optional) A script block that binds `$_`, `$db`, and `$Package` to the block to allow you to interact with the KeePass database and then dispose it once the block finishes executing. .EXAMPLE $db = Open-KeePassPackage "$home/Desktop/passwords.kdbx" -Key $key .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $key | Open-KeePassPackage "$home/Desktop/passwords.kdbx" -Do { PS C:\> $entry = $_ | Find-KeePassEntryByTitle "cert:azure" PS C:\> $entry | Export-KeePassBinary -Name "azure.pfx" -DestinationPath "$home/Desktop/azure.pfx" PS C:\> Write-Host ($entry.UnprotectPassword()) PS C:\> } #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string] $Path, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [NerdyMishka.KeePass.MasterKey] $Key, [string] $Password = $null, [string] $KeyFile = $null , [switch] $UserAccount, [scriptblock] $Do ) $constructKey = ! ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Password) ` -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($KeyFile) ` -and $UserAccount.ToBool() -eq $false) if($Key -eq $null -and !$constructKey) { throw new ArgumentException("Key, Password, or KeyFile must have a value"); } if($constructKey) { $Key = New-KeePassKey -Password $Password -KeyFile $KeyFile -UserAccount:$UserAccount } if(! (Test-Path $Path)) { throw [System.ArgumentException] "Path not found for $Path" } $Path = (Resolve-Path $Path).Path; $Package = [NerdyMishka.KeePass.DbOperations]::OpenDatabase($Key, $Path) if($Do -ne $null) { Set-Variable -Name "_" -Value $Package $db = $Package #$underscore = New-Object PSVariable @("_", $Package) $vars = @( (Get-Variable -Name "db" -Scope 0), (Get-Variable -Name "Package" -Scope 0), (Get-Variable -Name "_") ) $Do.InvokeWithContext(@{}, $vars) $Package.Dispose(); return; } return $Package; } |