.SYNOPSIS Removes firewall rules according to a list in a CSV or JSON file. .DESCRIPTION Removes firewall rules according to a with Export-FirewallRules generated list in a CSV or JSON file. CSV files have to be separated with semicolons. Only the field Name or - if Name is missing - DisplayName is used, alle other fields can be omitted anderen .PARAMETER CSVFile Input file .PARAMETER JSON Input in JSON instead of CSV format .PARAMETER PolicyStore Store from which rules are removed (default: PersistentStore). Allowed values are PersistentStore, ActiveStore (the resultant rule set of all sources), localhost, a computer name, <>\<GPO_Friendly_Name> and others depending on the environment. .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Version: 1.1.1 Build date: 2022/01/04 .EXAMPLE Remove-FirewallRules Removes all firewall rules according to a list in the CSV file FirewallRules.csv in the current directory. .EXAMPLE Remove-FirewallRules WmiRules.json -json Removes all firewall rules according to the list in the JSON file WmiRules.json. #> function Remove-FirewallRules { Param($CSVFile = "", [SWITCH]$JSON, [STRING]$PolicyStore = "PersistentStore") #Requires -Version 4.0 if (!$JSON) { # read CSV file if ([STRING]::IsNullOrEmpty($CSVFile)) { $CSVFile = ".\FirewallRules.csv" } $FirewallRules = Get-Content $CSVFile | ConvertFrom-CSV -Delimiter ";" } else { # read JSON file if ([STRING]::IsNullOrEmpty($CSVFile)) { $CSVFile = ".\FirewallRules.json" } $FirewallRules = Get-Content $CSVFile | ConvertFrom-JSON } # iterate rules ForEach ($Rule In $FirewallRules) { $CurrentRule = $NULL if (![STRING]::IsNullOrEmpty($Rule.Name)) { $CurrentRule = Get-NetFirewallRule -EA SilentlyContinue -Name $Rule.Name if (!$CurrentRule) { Write-Error "Firewall rule `"$($Rule.Name)`" does not exist" continue } } else { if (![STRING]::IsNullOrEmpty($Rule.DisplayName)) { $CurrentRule = Get-NetFirewallRule -EA SilentlyContinue -DisplayName $Rule.DisplayName if (!$CurrentRule) { Write-Error "Firewall rule `"$($Rule.DisplayName)`" does not exist" continue } } else { Write-Error "Failure in data record" continue } } Write-Output "Removing firewall rule `"$($CurrentRule.DisplayName)`" ($($CurrentRule.Name))" Get-NetFirewallRule -EA SilentlyContinue -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -Name $CurrentRule.Name | Remove-NetFirewallRule } } |