.SYNOPSIS Imports firewall rules from a CSV or JSON file. .DESCRIPTION Imports firewall rules from with Export-FirewallRules generated CSV or JSON files. CSV files have to be separated with semicolons. Existing rules with same display name will be overwritten. .PARAMETER CSVFile Input file .PARAMETER JSON Input in JSON instead of CSV format .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Version: 1.02 Build date: 2020/02/15 .EXAMPLE Import-FirewallRules Imports all firewall rules in the CSV file FirewallRules.csv in the current directory. .EXAMPLE Import-FirewallRules WmiRules.json -json Imports all firewall rules in the JSON file WmiRules.json. #> function Import-FirewallRules { Param($CSVFile = ".\FirewallRules.csv", [SWITCH]$JSON) #Requires -Version 4.0 # convert comma separated list (String) to Stringarray function ListToStringArray([STRING]$List, $DefaultValue = "Any") { if (![STRING]::IsNullOrEmpty($List)) { return ($List -split ",") } else { return $DefaultValue} } # convert value (String) to boolean function ValueToBoolean([STRING]$Value, [BOOLEAN]$DefaultValue = $FALSE) { if (![STRING]::IsNullOrEmpty($Value)) { if (($Value -eq "True") -or ($Value -eq "1")) { return $TRUE } else { return $FALSE } } else { return $DefaultValue } } if (!$JSON) { # read CSV file $FirewallRules = Get-Content $CSVFile | ConvertFrom-CSV -Delimiter ";" } else { # read JSON file $FirewallRules = Get-Content $CSVFile | ConvertFrom-JSON } # iterate rules ForEach ($Rule In $FirewallRules) { # generate Hashtable for New-NetFirewallRule parameters $RuleSplatHash = @{ Name = $Rule.Name Displayname = $Rule.Displayname Description = $Rule.Description Group = $Rule.Group Enabled = $Rule.Enabled Profile = $Rule.Profile Platform = ListToStringArray $Rule.Platform @() Direction = $Rule.Direction Action = $Rule.Action EdgeTraversalPolicy = $Rule.EdgeTraversalPolicy LooseSourceMapping = ValueToBoolean $Rule.LooseSourceMapping LocalOnlyMapping = ValueToBoolean $Rule.LocalOnlyMapping LocalAddress = ListToStringArray $Rule.LocalAddress RemoteAddress = ListToStringArray $Rule.RemoteAddress Protocol = $Rule.Protocol LocalPort = ListToStringArray $Rule.LocalPort RemotePort = ListToStringArray $Rule.RemotePort IcmpType = ListToStringArray $Rule.IcmpType DynamicTarget = if ([STRING]::IsNullOrEmpty($Rule.DynamicTarget)) { "Any" } else { $Rule.DynamicTarget } Program = $Rule.Program Service = $Rule.Service InterfaceAlias = ListToStringArray $Rule.InterfaceAlias InterfaceType = $Rule.InterfaceType LocalUser = $Rule.LocalUser RemoteUser = $Rule.RemoteUser RemoteMachine = $Rule.RemoteMachine Authentication = $Rule.Authentication Encryption = $Rule.Encryption OverrideBlockRules = ValueToBoolean $Rule.OverrideBlockRules } # for SID types no empty value is defined, so omit if not present if (![STRING]::IsNullOrEmpty($Rule.Owner)) { $RuleSplatHash.Owner = $Rule.Owner } if (![STRING]::IsNullOrEmpty($Rule.Package)) { $RuleSplatHash.Package = $Rule.Package } Write-Output "Generating firewall rule `"$($Rule.DisplayName)`" ($($Rule.Name))" # remove rule if present Get-NetFirewallRule -EA SilentlyContinue -Name $Rule.Name | Remove-NetFirewallRule # generate new firewall rule, parameter are assigned with splatting New-NetFirewallRule -EA Continue @RuleSplatHash } } |