.SYNOPSIS Exports firewall rules to a CSV or JSON file. .DESCRIPTION Exports firewall rules to a CSV or JSON file. Local and policy based rules will be given out. CSV files are semicolon separated (Beware! Excel is not friendly to CSV files). All rules are exported by default, you can filter with parameter -Name, -Inbound, -Outbound, -Enabled, -Disabled, -Allow and -Block. .PARAMETER Name Display name of the rules to be processed. Wildcard character * is allowed. .PARAMETER CSVFile Output file .PARAMETER JSON Output in JSON instead of CSV format .PARAMETER Inbound Export inbound rules .PARAMETER Outbound Export outbound rules .PARAMETER Enabled Export enabled rules .PARAMETER Disabled Export disabled rules .PARAMETER Allow Export allowing rules .PARAMETER Block Export blocking rules .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Version: 1.02 Build date: 2020/02/15 .EXAMPLE Export-FirewallRules Exports all firewall rules to the CSV file FirewallRules.csv in the current directory. .EXAMPLE Export-FirewallRules -Inbound -Allow Exports all inbound and allowing firewall rules to the CSV file FirewallRules.csv in the current directory. .EXAMPLE Export-FirewallRules snmp* SNMPRules.json -json Exports all SNMP firewall rules to the JSON file SNMPRules.json. #> function Export-FirewallRules { Param($Name = "*", $CSVFile = ".\FirewallRules.csv", [SWITCH]$JSON, [SWITCH]$Inbound, [SWITCH]$Outbound, [SWITCH]$Enabled, [SWITCH]$Disabled, [SWITCH]$Block, [SWITCH]$Allow) #Requires -Version 4.0 # convert Stringarray to comma separated liste (String) function StringArrayToList($StringArray) { if ($StringArray) { $Result = "" Foreach ($Value In $StringArray) { if ($Result -ne "") { $Result += "," } $Result += $Value } return $Result } else { return "" } } # Filter rules? # Filter by direction $Direction = "*" if ($Inbound -And !$Outbound) { $Direction = "Inbound" } if (!$Inbound -And $Outbound) { $Direction = "Outbound" } # Filter by state $RuleState = "*" if ($Enabled -And !$Disabled) { $RuleState = "True" } if (!$Enabled -And $Disabled) { $RuleState = "False" } # Filter by action $Action = "*" if ($Allow -And !$Block) { $Action = "Allow" } if (!$Allow -And $Block) { $Action = "Block" } # read firewall rules $FirewallRules = Get-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName $Name -PolicyStore "ActiveStore" | Where-Object { $_.Direction -like $Direction -and $_.Enabled -like $RuleState -And $_.Action -like $Action } # start array of rules $FirewallRuleSet = @() ForEach ($Rule In $FirewallRules) { # iterate throug rules Write-Output "Processing rule `"$($Rule.DisplayName)`" ($($Rule.Name))" # Retrieve addresses, $AdressFilter = $Rule | Get-NetFirewallAddressFilter # ports, $PortFilter = $Rule | Get-NetFirewallPortFilter # application, $ApplicationFilter = $Rule | Get-NetFirewallApplicationFilter # service, $ServiceFilter = $Rule | Get-NetFirewallServiceFilter # interface, $InterfaceFilter = $Rule | Get-NetFirewallInterfaceFilter # interfacetype $InterfaceTypeFilter = $Rule | Get-NetFirewallInterfaceTypeFilter # and security settings $SecurityFilter = $Rule | Get-NetFirewallSecurityFilter # generate sorted Hashtable $HashProps = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $Rule.Name DisplayName = $Rule.DisplayName Description = $Rule.Description Group = $Rule.Group Enabled = $Rule.Enabled Profile = $Rule.Profile Platform = StringArrayToList $Rule.Platform Direction = $Rule.Direction Action = $Rule.Action EdgeTraversalPolicy = $Rule.EdgeTraversalPolicy LooseSourceMapping = $Rule.LooseSourceMapping LocalOnlyMapping = $Rule.LocalOnlyMapping Owner = $Rule.Owner LocalAddress = StringArrayToList $AdressFilter.LocalAddress RemoteAddress = StringArrayToList $AdressFilter.RemoteAddress Protocol = $PortFilter.Protocol LocalPort = StringArrayToList $PortFilter.LocalPort RemotePort = StringArrayToList $PortFilter.RemotePort IcmpType = StringArrayToList $PortFilter.IcmpType DynamicTarget = $PortFilter.DynamicTarget Program = $ApplicationFilter.Program -Replace "$($ENV:SystemRoot.Replace("\","\\"))\\", "%SystemRoot%\" -Replace "$(${ENV:ProgramFiles(x86)}.Replace("\","\\").Replace("(","\(").Replace(")","\)"))\\", "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\" -Replace "$($ENV:ProgramFiles.Replace("\","\\"))\\", "%ProgramFiles%\" Package = $ApplicationFilter.Package Service = $ServiceFilter.Service InterfaceAlias = StringArrayToList $InterfaceFilter.InterfaceAlias InterfaceType = $InterfaceTypeFilter.InterfaceType LocalUser = $SecurityFilter.LocalUser RemoteUser = $SecurityFilter.RemoteUser RemoteMachine = $SecurityFilter.RemoteMachine Authentication = $SecurityFilter.Authentication Encryption = $SecurityFilter.Encryption OverrideBlockRules = $SecurityFilter.OverrideBlockRules } # add to array with rules $FirewallRuleSet += $HashProps } if (!$JSON) { # output rules in CSV format $FirewallRuleSet | ConvertTo-CSV -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ";" | Set-Content $CSVFile } else { # output rules in JSON format $FirewallRuleSet | ConvertTo-JSON | Set-Content $CSVFile } } |