function Get-CommandCache { if($null -eq $Script:commandMap) { $commandList = Get-Command $Script:commandMap = @{} $command = Get-Command $commandList[0] foreach ($command in $commandList) { $name = $command.Name $Script:commandMap[$name] = @{} foreach ($key in $command.Parameters.keys) { if ($command.Parameters[$key].Attributes | ? { $_ -is [System.ObsoleteAttribute]}) { $Script:commandMap[$name][$key] = $true foreach($alias in $command.Parameters[$key].Aliases) { $Script:commandMap[$name][$alias] = $true } } } } } } function Clear-ObsoleteCache { $Script:commandMap = $null } function Find-Obsolete { [Alias('FullName')] [cmdletbinding()] param( [Parameter( Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )] $Path ) begin { Write-Verbose "Gathering cached command data for obsolete parameters" $commandMap = Get-CommandCache } process { if ($commandMap.Count -eq 0) { Write-Verbose "Could not find any commands with obsolete parameters" return } Write-Debug "Resolve path [$Path]" $fileList = Resolve-Path -Path $Path foreach($file in $fileList) { Write-Verbose "Loading data from [$file]" $data = Get-Content -Path $file -Raw try { $script = [scriptblock]::Create($Data) } catch { Write-Verbose "Unable to get scriptblock from [$Path]" return } $astCommandList = $script | Select-AST -Type CommandAst foreach ($astCommand in $astCommandList) { $name = $astCommand.CommandElements[0].Value if ($null -ne $name -and $commandMap[$name]) { $parameterList = $astCommand | Select-AST -Type CommandParameterAst foreach ($param in $parameterList) { if ($commandMap[$name][$param.ParameterName]) { Write-Verbose ('obsolete [{0}][{1}] line [{2}:{3}]' -f $name,$param.ParameterName, $path, $param.extent.StartLineNumber ) -Verbose } } } } } } } function Find-Obsolete { param($Data, $Path) try { $script = [scriptblock]::Create($Data) } catch { Write-Verbose "Unable to get scriptblock from [$Path]" return } $astCommandList = $script | Select-AST -Type CommandAst #$astCommand = $astCommandList[0] foreach ($astCommand in $astCommandList) { $name = $astCommand.CommandElements[0].Value if ($null -ne $name -and $commandMap[$name]) { $parameterList = $astCommand | Select-AST -Type CommandParameterAst #$param = $parameterList[0] foreach ($param in $parameterList) { if ( $commandMap[$name][$param.ParameterName]) { Write-Verbose ('obsolete [{0}][{1}] line [{2}:{3}]' -f $name,$param.ParameterName, $path, $param.extent.StartLineNumber ) -Verbose } } } } } $fileList = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\ldx\DevOpsScripts\Toolkit -Recurse *.ps1 foreach ($file in $fileList) { $data = Get-Content -Path $file.fullname -Raw Find-Obsolete -Data $data -Path $file.fullname } |