class FunctionCallInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS A pseudo-child of System.Management.Automation.FunctionInfo that's also a tree node. We can't inherit because all the constructors of FunctionInfo are marked internal. #> # Hot path - we'll implement directly [string]$Name [string]$Source [psmoduleinfo]$Module # This class is a tree node [FunctionCallInfo]$CalledBy [System.Collections.Generic.IList[FunctionCallInfo]]$Calls [int]$Depth # Inner object; we'll delegate calls to this hidden [Management.Automation.FunctionInfo]$Function hidden static [string[]]$_InheritedProperties = ( 'CmdletBinding', 'CommandType', 'DefaultParameterSet', 'Definition', 'Description', 'HelpFile', # 'Module', 'ModuleName', # 'Name', 'Noun', 'Options', 'OutputType', 'Parameters', 'ParameterSets', 'RemotingCapability', 'ScriptBlock', # 'Source', 'Verb', 'Version', 'Visibility', 'HelpUri' ) FunctionCallInfo ([Management.Automation.FunctionInfo]$Function) { $this.Function = $Function $this.Name = $Function.Name $this.Source = $Function.Source $this.Module = $Function.Module $this.Calls = [Collections.Generic.List[FunctionCallInfo]]::new() [FunctionCallInfo]::_InheritedProperties | ForEach-Object { Add-Member ScriptProperty -InputObject $this -Name $_ -Value ( [scriptblock]::Create("`$this.Function.$_") ) -SecondValue ( [scriptblock]::Create("`$this.Function.$_ = `$args[0]") ) } } [bool] Equals([object]$obj) { return $this.Function.Equals($obj) } [Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata] ResolveParameter([string]$name) { return $this.Function.ResolveParameter($name) } [string] ToString() { return $_.Function.ToString() } } |