if (Get-Module -Name Find-String) { return } <# Find-String is a PowerShell script whose purpose is to emulate grep and/or ack. PowerShell already has the built-in Select-String cmdlet, but this script wraps provides match highlighting on top of the searching capabilities. It currently highlights matches in a similar style to ack. #> #requires -version 2 function Find-String { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="Filter")] param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory=$true)] [regex] $pattern, [Parameter(Position = 1, ParameterSetName="Filter")] [string] $filter = "*.*", [Parameter(Position = 1, ParameterSetName="Include")] [string[]] $include = @(), [string[]] $excludeFiles = @(), [string[]] $excludeDirectories = @(), [string[]] $path = @(), [switch] $recurse = $true, [switch] $caseSensitive = $false, [int[]] $context = 0, [switch] $passThru = $false, [switch] $pipeOutput = $false, [switch] $listMatchesOnly = $false ) if ((-not $caseSensitive) -and (-not $pattern.Options -match "IgnoreCase")) { $pattern = New-Object -TypeName regex -Property $pattern.ToString(),@($pattern.Options,"IgnoreCase") } function directoriesToExclude { if ($excludeDirectories.Length -gt 0) { return $excludeDirectories } else { 'bin', 'obj', '.git', '.hg', '.svn', '_ReSharper\.' if ($global:FindStringDirectoriesToExclude -ne $null) { $global:FindStringDirectoriesToExclude } } } function filesToExclude { if ($excludeFiles.Length -gt 0) { return $excludeFiles } else { '*exe', '*pdb', '*dll', '*.gif', '*.jpg', '*.doc', '*.pdf' if ($global:FindStringFileTypesToExclude -ne $null) { $global:FindStringFileTypesToExclude } } } function shouldFilterDirectory { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $item ) $directoriesToExclude = directoriesToExclude | ForEach-Object { "\\$_" } if ((Select-String -Pattern $directoriesToExclude -input $item.DirectoryName) -ne $null) { Write-Debug -Message "Excluding results from $item" return $true } else { return $false } } function filterExcludes { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $item ) if (-not ($item -is [System.IO.FileInfo])) { return $false } if (shouldFilterDirectory $item) { return $false } return $true } switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'Filter' { if ($passThru) { Get-ChildItem -recurse:$recurse -filter:$filter -path $path -exclude (& filesToExclude) | Where-Object { filterExcludes $_ } | Select-String -caseSensitive:$caseSensitive -pattern:$pattern -AllMatches -context $context } elseif ($listMatchesOnly) { Get-ChildItem -recurse:$recurse -filter:$filter -path $path -exclude (& filesToExclude) | Where-Object { filterExcludes $_ } | Select-String -caseSensitive:$caseSensitive -pattern:$pattern -List | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path } else { Get-ChildItem -recurse:$recurse -filter:$filter -path $path -exclude (& filesToExclude) | Where-Object { filterExcludes $_ } | Select-String -caseSensitive:$caseSensitive -pattern:$pattern -AllMatches -context $context | Out-ColorMatchInfo -pipeOutput:$pipeOutput } } 'Include' { if ($passThru) { Get-ChildItem -recurse:$recurse -include:$include -path $path -exclude (& filesToExclude) | Where-Object { filterExcludes $_ } | Select-String -caseSensitive:$caseSensitive -pattern:$pattern -AllMatches -context $context } elseif ($listMatchesOnly) { Get-ChildItem -recurse:$recurse -include:$include -path $path -exclude (& filesToExclude) | Where-Object { filterExcludes $_ } | Select-String -caseSensitive:$caseSensitive -pattern:$pattern -AllMatches -context $context | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path } else { Get-ChildItem -recurse:$recurse -include:$include -path $path -exclude (& filesToExclude) | Where-Object { filterExcludes $_ } | Select-String -caseSensitive:$caseSensitive -pattern:$pattern -AllMatches -context $context | Out-ColorMatchInfo -pipeOutput:$pipeOutput } } } <# .Synopsis Searches text files by pattern and displays the results. .Description Searches text files by pattern and displays the results. .Parameter Pattern Specifies the text to find. Type a string or regular expression. .Parameter Filter Specifies the file types to search in. The default is all file types (*.*). .Parameter Include Specifies the file types to search in. This allows you to search across multiple file types (i.e. *.ps1,*.psm1). .Parameter ExcludeFiles Specifies the file types to exclude from searches. If set, this overrides any global defaults or configuration. .Parameter ExcludeDirectories Specifies the directories to exclude from searches. It really only makes sense for recursive searches. If set, this overrides any global defaults or configuration. .Parameter Path Specifies the path to the files to be searched. Wildcards are permitted. The default location is the local directory. .Parameter Recurse Gets the items in the specified path and in all child directies. This is the default. .Parameter CaseSensitive Makes matches case-sensitive. By default, matches are not case-sensitive. .Parameter Context Captures the specified number of lines before and after the line with the match. This allows you to view the match in context. .Parameter PassThru Passes the literal MatchInfo object representing the found match to the pipeline. By default, this cmdlet does not send anything through the object pipeline. .Parameter PipeOutput Sends all output along the object pipeline. By default, this command uses color to help with readability; however, this prevents the output from being piped to another command. If you wish to pipe the output of this command to something else, be sure to use this parameter. .Parameter ListMatchesOnly Returns all files that have matches existing in them, but doesn't display any of the matches themselves. #> } function Out-ColorMatchInfo { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MatchInfo] $match, [switch] $onlyShowMatches = $false, [switch] $pipeOutput = $false ) begin { $script:priorPath = '' $script:hasContext = $false $script:buffer = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder } process { function output { param ( [string] $str = '', $foregroundColor = $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor, $backgroundColor = $host.ui.RawUI.BackgroundColor, [switch] $noNewLine = $false ) if ($pipeOutput) { if ($noNewLine) { $script:buffer.Append($str) | out-null } else { $script:buffer.AppendLine($str) | out-null } } else { $args = @{ Object = $str; NoNewLine = $NoNewLine } if (-not($foregroundColor -lt 0)) { $args.Add('ForegroundColor', $foregroundColor) } if (-not($backgroundColor -lt 0)) { $args.Add('BackgroundColor', $backgroundColor) } Write-Host @args } } function Get-RelativePath([string] $path = '') { $path = $path.Replace($pwd.Path, '') if ($path.StartsWith('\') -and (-not $path.StartsWith('\\'))) { $path = $path.Substring(1) } $path } function Write-PathOrSeparator($match) { if ($script:priorPath -ne $match.Path) { output '' output (Get-RelativePath $match.Path) -foregroundColor Green $script:priorPath = $match.Path } else { if ($script:hasContext) { output '--' } } } function Write-HighlightedMatch($match) { if (-not $onlyShowMatches) { output "$($match.LineNumber):" -nonewline } $index = 0 foreach ($m in $match.Matches) { output $match.Line.SubString($index, $m.Index - $index) -nonewline output $m.Value -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor Yellow -nonewline $index = $m.Index + $m.Length } if ($index -lt $match.Line.Length) { output $match.Line.SubString($index) -nonewline } output '' } function Write-Context { param ( $context = '', $contextLines = '' ) if ($context.length -eq $null) {return} $script:hasContext = $true for ($i = 0; $i -lt $context.length; $i++) { "$($contextLines[$i])- $($context[$i])" } } if (-not $onlyShowMatches) { Write-PathOrSeparator $match } $lines = ($match.LineNumber - $match.Context.DisplayPreContext.Length)..($match.LineNumber - 1) Write-Context $match.Context.DisplayPreContext $lines Write-HighlightedMatch $match $lines = ($match.LineNumber + 1)..($match.LineNumber + $match.Context.DisplayPostContext.Length) Write-Context $match.Context.DisplayPostContext $lines if ($script:buffer.Length -gt 0) { $script:buffer.ToString() } } end {} <# .Synopsis Highlights MatchInfo objects similar to the output from ack. .Description Highlights MatchInfo objects similar to the output from ack. #> } Export-ModuleMember -Function Find-String Export-ModuleMember -Function Out-ColorMatchInfo |