
function Test-FileType
        Tests, whether a specified file is of the type it proclaims to be.
        Tests, whether a specified file is of the type it proclaims to be.
        Files of types that have not been registered will be returned as valid.
        Note that type determination is not a certain and guaranteed thing.
        Register detection patterns using Register-FileType.
        There are file types that share a common detection pattern.
        For example the common office files (pptx, docx, xslx, ...) share the same file headers and are not distinguishable.
        Renaming a word document to *.pptx will still test $true.
        Path to the file to scan.
    .PARAMETER Quiet
        Only return $true or $false.
        By default, this command returns result objects including validity and path.
        PS C:\> Test-FileType -Path 'C:\temp\Presentation.pptx'
        Returns, whether the presentation.pptx file actually is a legal pptx file.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseOutputTypeCorrectly", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [PsfValidateScript('FileType.Validate.Paths', ErrorString = 'FileType.Validate.Paths.Failed')]
        $basePath = ''
        foreach ($pathString in $Path)
            foreach ($resolvedPath in (Resolve-PSFPath $pathString))
                # Skip Folders
                if ((Get-Item -Path $resolvedPath -Force).PSIsContainer) { continue }
                if (-not $basePath -or -not $resolvedPath.StartsWith($basePath)) { $basePath = '{0}{1}' -f (Split-Path -Path $resolvedPath), ([System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar) }
                $result = $null
                    $result = [FileType.FTHost]::IsValidType($resolvedPath, $true)
                    if ($Quiet)
                    $success = $true
                    if ($Qiet) { throw }
                    else { $success = $false }
                New-Object FileType.TestResult -Property @{
                    IsValid  = $result
                    Success  = $success
                    FullName = $resolvedPath
                    BasePath = $basePath