IniSettingsFile .DESCRIPTION The resource is used to add, set or clear entries in Windows INI settings files. .PARAMETER Path Key - String The path to the INI settings file to set the entry in. .PARAMETER Section Key - String The section to add or set the entry in. .PARAMETER Key Key - String The name of the key to add or set in the section. .PARAMETER Type Write - String Allowed values: Text, Secret Specifies the value type that contains the value to set the entry to. Defaults to 'Text'. .PARAMETER Text Write - String The text to set the entry value to. Only used when Type is set to 'Text'. .PARAMETER Secret write - String The secret text to set the entry value to. Only used when Type is set to 'Secret'. .EXAMPLE 1 Set the `Level` entry in the [Logging] section to `Information` in the file `c:\myapp\myapp.ini`. Configuration IniSettingsFile_SetPlainTextEntry_Config { Import-DSCResource -ModuleName FileContentDsc Node localhost { IniSettingsFile SetLogging { Path = 'c:\myapp\myapp.ini' Section = 'Logging' Key = 'Level' Text = 'Information' } } } .EXAMPLE 2 Set the `ConnectionString` entry in the [Database] section to the password provided in the $Secret credential object in the file `c:\myapp\myapp.ini`. Configuration IniSettingsFile_SetSecretTextEntry_Config { param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [PSCredential] $Secret ) Import-DSCResource -ModuleName FileContentDsc Node localhost { IniSettingsFile SetConnectionString { Path = 'c:\myapp\myapp.ini' Section = 'Database' Key = 'ConnectionString' Type = 'Secret' Secret = $Secret } } } |