
   Wrapper for ACLs to allow easy setting or resetting.
   Wrapper for ACLs to allow easy setting or resetting.
   Reset-FolderPermission -Path "c:\temp\path" -ReplaceOwner -ResetInheritance

function Add-FolderAcl
        # Directory to perfom ACL modification (accepts directoryinfo, a string that resolves to a directory, etc).
        [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_})]
        # Replace owner with builtin administrators group.
        # Add ACE granting full control to builtin administrators group.
        # Add ACE granting full control to the local system identity.
        # Enable ACL inheritance from parent.
        # Reset the entire ACL. Enables inheritance and removes direct ACL entries. Use sparingly.

        $AdminsFullControlAce = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule]::new(
        $SystemFullControlAce = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule]::new(
        $Path |
        ForEach-Object {
            $acl = $null
            $acl = Get-Acl -Path $_ 
            If ($acl) {
                If ($ResetAcl) {
                    Write-Verbose "Resetting ACL on `"$_`""
                    $acl.Access | 
                    Where-Object { $_.isinherited -eq $false } |
                    ForEach-Object { $acl.RemoveAccessRule($_) }
                If ($ReplaceOwner) {
                    Write-Verbose "Replacing owner on `"$_`""
                If ($AddAdministrators) {
                    Write-Verbose "Adding full access for BUILTIN\Administrators on `"$_`""
                If ($AddSystem) {
                    Write-Verbose "Adding full access for BUILTIN\LocalSystem on `"$_`""
                If ($ResetInheritance) {
                    Write-Verbose "Resetting inheritance on `"$_`""
            Set-Acl -Path $_ -AclObject $acl
