

$FavouritePaths = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$FavouritePaths += "\FavouritePaths.xml"


function save {
    $MyPaths | Export-Clixml $FavouritePaths

function addNocheck($name, $path) {
    $MyPaths.Add($name, $path)
    Set-Variable -Name $name -Value $path -Scope Global

function addNosave($name, $path) {
    if($MyPaths.ContainsKey($name)) {
        Write-Verbose "Pathkey ""$name"" already exists." -Verbose
    } elseif (!(Test-Path $path)) {
        Write-Verbose "The specified path ""$path"" does not exist." -Verbose
    } else {
        addNocheck $name $path

function renNosave($name, $newName) {
    if(!($MyPaths.ContainsKey($name))) {
        Write-Verbose "Pathkey ""$name"" does not exist." -Verbose
    } elseif($MyPaths.ContainsKey($newName)) {
        Write-Verbose "Pathkey ""$newName"" already exists." -Verbose
    } else {
        $value = $MyPaths.$name
        addNocheck $newName $value

function deleteNosave($name) {
    if(!($MyPaths.ContainsKey($name))) {
        Write-Verbose "Pathkey ""$name"" cannot be removed because it does not exist." -Verbose
    } else {
        Remove-Variable -Name $name -Scope Global

function Add-Path{




    Begin {
        addNosave $name $path

    Adds a variable called "name" (first parameter) that stores a path (second parameter).
    Only existing paths can be stored.
    The path stored in the variable name can be called with $name.
    To open this path in the explorer, type "ii $name".
    Any exisiting variable will be overwritten, unless it's a variable that was created with this command.
    All variables are stored in a table, which can be called with $MyPaths.
    The variable is saved in an XML file and restored when the module is re-imported.
    .PARAMETER name
    Name of the variable
    .PARAMETER path
    Path that is stored in the variable
    PS> Add-Path documents C:\Users\Michael\Documents
    PS> $documents


function Rename-Path{
        #Name of the Path Variable

        #New name of the Path Variable

    Begin {
        renNosave $name $newName

    Renames a variable that was created with the Add-Path Command.
    The first parameter specifies name of the variable that should be renamed, the second parameter the new name.
    The variable will also be renamed in the XML file and in the MyPaths table.
    .PARAMETER name
    Name of the variable
    .PARAMETER newName
    New name of the variable
    PS> Add-Path documents C:\Users\Michael\Documents
    PS> Rename-Path documents newDocuments
    PS> $newDocuments


function Remove-Path{
        #Name of the Path Variable

    Begin {
        deleteNosave $name $path
    Removes a path variable that was created with the Add-Path Command.
    The parameter specifies the name of the variable.
    The variable will also be removed from the XML file and from the MyPaths table.
    .PARAMETER name
    Name of the variable
    PS> Add-Path documents C:\Users\Michael\Documents
    PS> Remove-Path documents
    PS> $documents -eq null


function getMyPaths {
    [CmdletBinding()] Param()
    Begin {
        if (Test-Path $FavouritePaths) {
            Write-Verbose "Importing Common Paths."
            $global:MyPaths = Import-Clixml $FavouritePaths

            foreach($key in $MyPaths.GetEnumerator()) { 
                $name = $key.name
                $path = $key.Value
                Set-Variable -Name $name -Value $path -Scope Global
                if (!(Test-Path $path)) {
                    Write-Warning "Path in variable ""$name"" does not exist ($path)."
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "Add a path variable with the command ""Add-Path"" or ""addP"" to save a given path. Type ""Get-Help Add-Path"" for further information." -Verbose

Set-Alias -Name myP -Value MyPaths -Scope Global
Set-Alias -Name addP -Value Add-Path -Scope Global
Set-Alias -Name delP -Value Remove-Path -Scope Global
Set-Alias -Name renP -Value Rename-Path -Scope Global


Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-Path, Remove-Path, Rename-Path -Variable MyPaths