
# This is a PowerShell Unit Test file.
# You need a unit test framework such as Pester to run PowerShell Unit tests.
# You can download Pester from http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=534084
Get-Module Fasdr | Remove-Module
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\Fasdr.psm1 -ErrorAction Stop
$testData = @"

$testDataTestDrive = @"

$testDatabase = "TestDrive:\db.FileSystem.txt"

Describe "Find-Frecent" {
    Context "Empty Database" {
        Initialize-FasdrDatabase -defaultDrive "$TestDrive"
        It "Finds Nothing" {
            Find-Frecent "shouldNo" | Should Be $null

    Context "Small Database" {
        Set-Content $testDatabase -value $testData

        Initialize-FasdrDatabase -defaultDrive "$TestDrive"

        It "Finds All With Empty Input" {
            $expected = $testData.Split("`n")
            $i = 0
            $frecents = Find-Frecent "" 
            $frecents[0] | Should Be 'c:\dir1\dir2\testStr'
            $frecents[1] | Should Be 'c:\testStr'
            $frecents[2] | Should Be 'c:\dir1\dir2'

        It "Finds Nothing" {
            Find-Frecent "shouldNo" | Should Be $null

        It "Finds Single Item" {
            Find-Frecent "dir2" | Should Be 'c:\dir1\dir2'

        It "Finds Double Items" {
            Find-Frecent "testStr" | Should Be ('c:\testStr','c:\dir1\dir2\testStr')

Describe "Add-Frecent" {
    Context "Empty Database Add File" {
        $testFile = "TestDrive:\TestFile1.txt"
        Set-Content $testFile -value " "
        Initialize-FasdrDatabase -defaultDrive "$TestDrive"
        It "Adds File Entry That Does Not Exist in Database" {
            { Add-Frecent $testFile } | Should Not Throw
            Find-Frecent "TestFile1.txt" | Should Be ( $testFile )


    Context "Empty Database Add Relative Entry" {
        Initialize-FasdrDatabase -defaultDrive "$TestDrive"
        It "Add Relative Entry" {
            New-Item "TestDrive:\AddRelativeEntryCheck" -ItemType Directory
            New-Item "TestDrive:\AddRelativeEntryCheck\TestDir" -ItemType Directory 
            Set-Location "TestDrive:\AddRelativeEntryCheck"
            { Add-Frecent '.\TestDir' } | Should Not Throw
            Find-Frecent "TestDir" | Should Be ("TestDrive:\AddRelativeEntryCheck\TestDir")

        It "Relative Entry Doesnt Exist" {
            New-Item "TestDrive:\AddRelativeEntryCheck" -ItemType Directory
            Set-Location "TestDrive:\AddRelativeEntryCheck"
            { Add-Frecent '.\DoesNotExist' } | Should Throw
            Find-Frecent "DoesNotExist" | Should Be $Null

    Context "Small Database" {
        Set-Content $testDatabase -value $testData
        Initialize-FasdrDatabase -defaultDrive "$TestDrive"

        It "Should Find Different Order" {
            Find-Frecent "testStr" | Should Be ('c:\testStr','c:\dir1\dir2\testStr')
            { Add-Frecent 'c:\dir1\dir2\testStr' } | Should Not Throw
            Find-Frecent "testStr" | Should Be ('c:\dir1\dir2\testStr','c:\testStr')

        It "Should Find New Entry" {
            { Add-Frecent 'c:\dir1\BrandNewEntry' } | Should Not Throw
            Find-Frecent "BrandNewEntry" | Should Be 'c:\dir1\BrandNewEntry'

        It "Should Find Entries Set By Array" {
            New-Item -ItemType Directory "$TestDrive\AddFrecent1"
            New-Item -ItemType Directory "$TestDrive\AddFrecent2"
            { gci "$TestDrive\AddFrecent*" | Add-Frecent } | Should Not Throw
            Find-Frecent "AddFrecent1" | Should Be ("$TestDrive\AddFrecent1","$TestDrive\AddFrecent2")
            Find-Frecent "AddFrecent2" | Should Be ("$TestDrive\AddFrecent2","$TestDrive\AddFrecent1")

Describe "Remove-Frecent" {
    Context "Empty Database" {
        $testFile = "TestDrive:\TestFile1.txt"
        Set-Content $testFile -value " "
        Initialize-FasdrDatabase -defaultDrive "$TestDrive"
        It "Removes File Entry That Does Not Exist in Database" {
            { Remove-Frecent $testFile } | Should Throw

    Context "Small Database" {
        Set-Content $testDatabase -value $testData
        Initialize-FasdrDatabase -defaultDrive "$TestDrive"

        It "Should Find Entry Removed" {
            Find-Frecent "testStr" | Should Be ('c:\testStr','c:\dir1\dir2\testStr')
            Remove-Frecent 'c:\dir1\dir2\testStr' 
            { Remove-Frecent 'c:\dir1\dir2\testStr'}  | Should Throw
            Find-Frecent "testStr" | Should Be ('c:\testStr')

    Context "Small Database" {
        Set-Content $testDatabase -value $testData
        Initialize-FasdrDatabase -defaultDrive "$TestDrive"

        It "Should Remove Entries By Array" {
            @('c:\testStr','c:\dir1\dir2\testStr') | Remove-Frecent
            Find-Frecent "testStr" | Should Be $null
            { @('c:\testStr','c:\dir1\dir2\testStr') | Remove-Frecent } | Should Throw

Describe "Save-FasdrDatabase" {
    Context "Empty Database" {
        $testFile = "TestDrive:\TestFile1.txt"
        Set-Content $testFile -value " "
        Initialize-FasdrDatabase -defaultDrive "$TestDrive"
        It "Save From Empty Database" {
            { Add-Frecent $testFile } | Should Not Throw
            $testDatabase | Should Exist    
            $testDatabase | Should Contain "$testFile|1|.*|true".Replace('\','\\')

    Context "Small Database" {
        Set-Content $testDatabase -value $testData
        Initialize-FasdrDatabase -defaultDrive "$TestDrive"
        It "Save From Small Database" {
            $testDatabase | Should Exist    
            $testData.Split('`n') | ForEach-Object {
                $testDatabase | Should Contain $_.Replace('\','\\')

    Context "Small Database Remove All Stale Entries" {
        Set-Content $testDatabase -value $testDataTestDrive
        Initialize-FasdrDatabase -defaultDrive "$TestDrive"
        It "Save From Small Database Remove Stale Entries" {
            Save-FasdrDatabase -RemoveStaleEntries
            $testDatabase | Should Exist    
            $testDataTestDrive.Split('`n') | ForEach-Object {
                $testDatabase | Should Not Contain $_.Replace('\','\\')

    Context "Small Database Remove All Stale Entries Except One" {
        Set-Content $testDatabase -value $testDataTestDrive
        Initialize-FasdrDatabase -defaultDrive "$TestDrive"
        $testFile = "TestDrive:\dir1\dir2\testStr"
        New-Item (Split-Path $testFile -Parent) -ItemType Directory
        Out-File -FilePath $testFile -InputObject " "
        It "Save From Small Database Remove Stale Entries" {
            Save-FasdrDatabase -RemoveStaleEntries
            $testDatabase | Should Exist    
            $testDatabase | Should ContainExactly $testFile.Replace('\','\\')

Describe "Get-Frecents" {
    Context "Empty Database" {
        Initialize-FasdrDatabase -defaultDrive "$TestDrive"
        It "Get From Empty Database" {
            Get-Frecents | Should Be $null

    Context "Small Database" {
        Set-Content $testDatabase -value $testData
        Initialize-FasdrDatabase -defaultDrive "$TestDrive"

        It "Get From Database" {
            $frecents = Get-Frecents 
            $frecents | Should Not Be $null
            $frecents.Length | Should Be 3
            $frecents[0].FullPath | Should Be 'c:\dir1\dir2'
            $frecents[0].Frecency | Should BeGreaterThan 1
            $frecents[1].FullPath | Should Be 'c:\testStr'
            $frecents[1].Frecency | Should BeGreaterThan 1
            $frecents[2].FullPath | Should Be 'c:\dir1\dir2\testStr'
            $frecents[2].Frecency | Should BeGreaterThan 1

Describe "Find-WordCompletion" {
    InModuleScope Fasdr {
        Context "No Token" {
            It 'Empty Text' {
                Find-WordCompletion '' | Should Be $null

            It 'Whitespace Only' {
                Find-WordCompletion ' ' | Should Be $null
            It 'Single Colon' {
                Find-WordCompletion ' :' | Should Be $null

            It 'Unknown Token' {
                Find-WordCompletion ' u::' | Should Be $null

        Context "Token Found" {
            It 'Find All Completion' {
                $result = Find-WordCompletion ' :::'
                $result | Should Not Be $null
                $Result.CompletionText | Should be ''
                $result.CompletionType | Should be ':'
                $result.ReplacementIndex | Should be 1
                $result.ReplacementLength | Should be (':::'.Length)
                $result.ProviderOverride | Should be $null

            It 'Find All Completion with Completion String' {
                $result = Find-WordCompletion ' :::Desktop'
                $result | Should Not Be $null
                $Result.CompletionText | Should be 'Desktop'
                $result.CompletionType | Should be ':'
                $result.ReplacementIndex | Should be 1
                $result.ReplacementLength | Should be (':::'.Length + 'Desktop'.Length)
                $result.ProviderOverride | Should be $null

            It 'Find Container (uppercase) Completion with Completion String' {
                $result = Find-WordCompletion ' C::Desktop'
                $result | Should Not Be $null
                $Result.CompletionText | Should be 'Desktop'
                $result.CompletionType | Should be 'c'
                $result.ReplacementIndex | Should be 1
                $result.ReplacementLength | Should be (':::'.Length + 'Desktop'.Length)
                $result.ProviderOverride | Should be $null

            It 'Find Container (lowercase) Completion with Completion String' {
                $result = Find-WordCompletion ' C::Desktop'
                $result | Should Not Be $null
                $Result.CompletionText | Should be 'Desktop'
                $result.CompletionType | Should be 'c'
                $result.ReplacementIndex | Should be 1
                $result.ReplacementLength | Should be (':::'.Length + 'Desktop'.Length)
                $result.ProviderOverride | Should be $null

            It 'Find Leaf (uppercase) Completion with Completion String' {
                $result = Find-WordCompletion ' L::Desktop'
                $result | Should Not Be $null
                $Result.CompletionText | Should be 'Desktop'
                $result.CompletionType | Should be 'l'
                $result.ReplacementIndex | Should be 1
                $result.ReplacementLength | Should be (':::'.Length + 'Desktop'.Length)
                $result.ProviderOverride | Should be $null

            It 'Find Leaf (lowercase) Completion with Completion String' {
                $result = Find-WordCompletion ' L::Desktop'
                $result | Should Not Be $null
                $Result.CompletionText | Should be 'Desktop'
                $result.CompletionType | Should be 'l'
                $result.ReplacementIndex | Should be 1
                $result.ReplacementLength | Should be (':::'.Length + 'Desktop'.Length)
                $result.ProviderOverride | Should be $null

            # FileSystem provider specific
            It 'Find Directory (uppercase) Completion with Completion String' {
                $result = Find-WordCompletion ' D::Desktop'
                $result | Should Not Be $null
                $Result.CompletionText | Should be 'Desktop'
                $result.CompletionType | Should be 'd'
                $result.ReplacementIndex | Should be 1
                $result.ReplacementLength | Should be (':::'.Length + 'Desktop'.Length)
                $result.ProviderOverride | Should be 'FileSystem'

            It 'Find Directory (lowercase) Completion with Completion String' {
                $result = Find-WordCompletion ' D::Desktop'
                $result | Should Not Be $null
                $Result.CompletionText | Should be 'Desktop'
                $result.CompletionType | Should be 'd'
                $result.ReplacementIndex | Should be 1
                $result.ReplacementLength | Should be (':::'.Length + 'Desktop'.Length)
                $result.ProviderOverride | Should be 'FileSystem'

            It 'Find File (uppercase) Completion with Completion String' {
                $result = Find-WordCompletion ' F::Desktop'
                $result | Should Not Be $null
                $Result.CompletionText | Should be 'Desktop'
                $result.CompletionType | Should be 'f'
                $result.ReplacementIndex | Should be 1
                $result.ReplacementLength | Should be (':::'.Length + 'Desktop'.Length)
                $result.ProviderOverride | Should be 'FileSystem'

            It 'Find File (lowercase) Completion with Completion String' {
                $result = Find-WordCompletion ' F::Desktop'
                $result | Should Not Be $null
                $Result.CompletionText | Should be 'Desktop'
                $result.CompletionType | Should be 'f'
                $result.ReplacementIndex | Should be 1
                $result.ReplacementLength | Should be (':::'.Length + 'Desktop'.Length)
                $result.ProviderOverride | Should be 'FileSystem'

Describe "FindPathsInLastCommand" {
    InModuleScope Fasdr {
        Context "Blank Line" {
            Mock Get-History { $l = New-Object -TypeName PSObject ; $l | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name CommandLine -Value ''; return $l }
            Mock Add-Frecent {}
            It 'Processes empty history line' {
                { FindPathsInLastCommand -PrevLocation "$env:TEMP" } | Should Not Throw
                Assert-MockCalled Add-Frecent -Exactly 0
                (Get-FasdrFoundPaths).Length | Should be 0                

        Context "Cd Command Absolute Path" {
            $cmd = 'cd {0}' -f $env:windir
            Mock Get-History { $l = New-Object -TypeName PSObject ; $l | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name CommandLine -Value $cmd; return $l }
            Mock Add-Frecent {}
            It 'Processes correctly' {
                { FindPathsInLastCommand -PrevLocation $env:TEMP } | Should Not Throw
                Assert-MockCalled Add-Frecent -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {$FullName -eq $env:windir ; $ProviderName -eq 'FileSystem'}
                (Get-FasdrFoundPaths).Length | Should be 1
                (Get-FasdrFoundPaths)[0] | Should be "$env:windir"

        '.\windows', 'windows' | Foreach-Object { 
            Context "Cd Command Relative Path $_" {
                    $cmd = 'cd {0}' -f $_
                    Mock Get-History { $l = New-Object -TypeName PSObject ; $l | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name CommandLine -Value $cmd; return $l }
                    Mock Add-Frecent {}
                    It "Processes '$cmd' correctly" {
                        { FindPathsInLastCommand -PrevLocation "$env:SYSTEMDRIVE\" } | Should Not Throw
                        Assert-MockCalled Add-Frecent -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {$FullName -eq "$env:SYSTEMDRIVE\windows" -and $ProviderName -eq 'FileSystem'}
                        (Get-FasdrFoundPaths).Length | Should be 1
                        (Get-FasdrFoundPaths)[0] | Should be "$env:SYSTEMDRIVE\windows"

        Context "Multiple File Paths" {
            $cmd = 'copy-item -Path {0} -Destination "{1}"' -f $env:windir,$env:ProgramData
            Mock Get-History { $l = New-Object -TypeName PSObject ; $l | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name CommandLine -Value $cmd; return $l }
            Mock Add-Frecent {}
            It "Processes '$cmd' correctly" {
                { FindPathsInLastCommand -PrevLocation $env:TEMP } | Should Not Throw
                Assert-MockCalled Add-Frecent -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {$FullName -eq "$env:windir" -and $ProviderName -eq 'FileSystem'}
                Assert-MockCalled Add-Frecent -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {$FullName -eq "$env:ProgramData" -and $ProviderName -eq 'FileSystem'}
                (Get-FasdrFoundPaths).Length | Should be 2
                (Get-FasdrFoundPaths)[0] | Should be "$env:windir"
                (Get-FasdrFoundPaths)[1] | Should be "$env:ProgramData"

        Context "Multiple File Paths With Non-Path Arg" {
            $cmd = 'copy-item -Path {0} -Destination "{1}"' -f "::NotAPath::",$env:ProgramData
            Mock Get-History { $l = New-Object -TypeName PSObject ; $l | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name CommandLine -Value $cmd; return $l }
            Mock Add-Frecent {}
            It "Processes '$cmd' correctly" {
                { FindPathsInLastCommand -PrevLocation $env:TEMP } | Should Not Throw
                Assert-MockCalled Add-Frecent -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {$FullName -eq "$env:ProgramData" -and $ProviderName -eq 'FileSystem'}
                (Get-FasdrFoundPaths).Length | Should be 1
                (Get-FasdrFoundPaths)[0] | Should be "$env:ProgramData"