.Synopsis Shows MongoDB databases, collections, views, documents. .Description This command connects MongoDB and shows databases, collections, views, documents including nested documents and arrays. Root documents may be viewed and edited as JSON. Nested documents may not be edited directly. Paging. Large collections is not a problem. Documents are shown 1000/page. Press [PgDn]/[PgUp] at last/first panel items to show next/previous pages. Aggregation pipelines may be defined for custom panel views of collections. If result documents have the same _id as the source collection then they are edited and deleted in the source collection from this custom view. KEYS AND ACTIONS [Del] Deletes selected documents and empty databases, collections, views. For deleting not empty containers use [ShiftDel]. [ShiftDel] Deletes selected databases, collections, views, documents. [ShiftF6] Prompts for a new name and renames the current collection. [F4] Edits documents in the documents panel. It opens the editor with current document JSON. [F7] Creates new documents in the documents panel. It opens the modal editor for the new document JSON. .Parameter ConnectionString Specifies the connection string. Use "." for the default local server. If DatabaseName and CollectionName are omitted then the panel shows databases. .Parameter DatabaseName Specifies the database name. If CollectionName is omitted then the panel shows this database collections. .Parameter CollectionName Specifies the collection name and tells to show collection documents. This parameter must be used together with DatabaseName. Use Pipeline in order to customise the view of this collection in the panel. .Parameter Collection Specifies the collection instance. .Parameter BsonFile Specifies the .bson or .json file to be opened by the BsonFile module. Requires: If you change data then on closing you are prompted to export data. Alternatively, use the menu [F1] \ "Export data to file", any time. .Parameter Pipeline Aggregation pipeline for the custom view of the specified collection. .Example ># Panel local databases: Open-MongoPanel .Example ># Panel collections of "myDatabase": Open-MongoPanel . myDatabase .Example ># Panel documents of "myDatabase.myCollection": Open-MongoPanel . myDatabase myCollection #> function Open-MongoPanel { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Connect')] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Connect', Position=0)] [string]$ConnectionString = '.' , [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Connect', Position=1)] [string]$DatabaseName , [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Connect', Position=2)] [string]$CollectionName , [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Collection', Mandatory=1)] [MongoDB.Driver.IMongoCollection[MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument]]$Collection , [Parameter(ParameterSetName='BsonFile', Mandatory=1)] [string]$BsonFile , [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Connect')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Collection')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='BsonFile')] $Pipeline ) trap {Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_} if ($Collection) { (New-FMCollectionExplorer $Collection $Pipeline).OpenPanel() } elseif ($CollectionName) { Connect-Mdbc $ConnectionString $DataBaseName $CollectionName (New-FMCollectionExplorer $Collection $Pipeline).OpenPanel() } elseif ($DatabaseName) { Connect-Mdbc $ConnectionString $DatabaseName (New-FMDatabaseExplorer $Database).OpenPanel() } elseif ($BsonFile) { Import-Module BsonFile Open-BsonFile $BsonFile (New-FMCollectionExplorer $Collection $Pipeline -BsonFile $BsonFile).OpenPanel() } else { (New-FMServerExplorer $ConnectionString).OpenPanel() } } |