
    Edits the current editor JSON line value.
    This command is called from the editor with a JSON file and the current
    line like `<key> : "<text>"`. The line may ends with a comma. The <text>
    is opened in another editor. After saved changes the current line is set
    to ``<key> : "<new-text>"`, with a comma if it was there.

function Edit-MongoJsonLine {
    trap {Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_}

    $Editor = $Far.Editor
    if (!$Editor) {
        throw "Invoke this command from the editor."

    $text = $Editor.Line.Text.TrimEnd()
    $isComma = $text.EndsWith(',')
    if ($isComma) {
        $text = $text.Substring(0, $text.Length - 1)
    $spaces = if ($text -match '^\s*') {$matches[0]}
    $text = $text.Trim()

    $json = "{$text}"
    try {
        $doc = [Mdbc.Dictionary]::FromJson($json)
    catch {
        throw "Cannot parse JSON: $json"
    $key = @($doc.Keys)[0]
    $value = @($doc.Values)[0]
    if ($value -isnot [string]) {
        throw "Value should be string."

    $arg = New-Object FarNet.EditTextArgs -Property @{
        Title = "Edit string value '$key'"
        Extension = '.txt'
        Text = $value
    $value2 = $Far.AnyEditor.EditText($arg)
    if ($value2 -ceq $value) {

    $doc[$key] = $value2
    $text = $spaces + ($doc.Print().Trim().TrimStart('{').TrimEnd('}').Trim())
    if ($isComma) {
        $text += ','

    $Editor.Line.Text = $text