$ErrorActionPreference=1 . $PSScriptRoot\Basic.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\New-FGBranchExplorer.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\New-FGStashExplorer.ps1 <# .Synopsis Opens panel with git branches. .Description The current git branch is shown with (*). Remote branches are included as hidden. Keys and actions: [Enter] Checkout the current panel branch. If it is remote then a new local branch is created. [F7] Checkout a new branch from the current git branch. The current panel branch does not matter. [F3] Open gitk with the current panel branch. [F6] Rename the current panel branch. [F8], [Del] Delete selected branches. [CtrlH] Show/hide remote branches. #> function Open-FarGitBranch { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$Path = '.' ) $Path = $PSCmdlet.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path) $Root = Invoke-Error {git -C $Path rev-parse --show-toplevel} if ($LASTEXITCODE) { throw $Root } (New-FGBranchExplorer $Root).OpenPanel() } <# .Synopsis Opens panel with git stashes. .Description Keys and actions: [Enter] Apply the current stash with a choice: - [Apply] apply and keep the stash. - [Pop] apply and remove the stash. [F7] Stash current changes with a choice [Tracked] or [+Untracked] and the input box for the optional stash message. [F3] Open gitk to view the current stash. [F8], [Del] Delete selected stashes. #> function Open-FarGitStash { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$Path = '.' ) $Path = $PSCmdlet.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path) $Root = Invoke-Error {git -C $Path rev-parse --show-toplevel} if ($LASTEXITCODE) { throw $Root } (New-FGStashExplorer $Root).OpenPanel() } <# .Synopsis Shows git help for the git command. .Description The command shows HTML help the git command found in the editor, dialog, or command line. If 'git command' is not found then the main page is shown. #> function Show-FarGitHelp { if ($Far.Line.Text -match '\bgit\s+(\S+)') { $null = Invoke-Native {git ($matches[1]) --help} } else { Invoke-Item -LiteralPath "$(Invoke-Native {git --html-path})\index.html" } } <# .Synopsis Opens the current config file in the editor. #> function Edit-FarGitConfig { try { Assert-Git $root = Invoke-Native {git rev-parse --git-dir} Open-FarEditor $root\config } catch { Show-Error } } <# .Synopsis Sets the repository root current in the panel. #> function Set-FarGitRoot { try { Assert-Git $root = Invoke-Native {git rev-parse --show-toplevel} $Far.Panel.CurrentDirectory = $root } catch { Show-Error } } <# .Synopsis Shows changed files and navigates to a selected. .Description The command shows the list of changed files. Select a file to navigate to in the active panel. #> function Show-FarGitStatus { try { Assert-Git $info = Invoke-Native {git status --porcelain} | ConvertFrom-Octet | .{process{ ($_ -replace '^ ', '-') -replace '^(.) ', '$1-' }} | Out-FarList -Title "On branch $(Get-BranchCurrent)" if (!$info) { return } if ($info -notmatch '^(..)\s+"?(.+?)"?(?:\s+->\s+"?(.+?)"?)?$') { throw "Unexpected status format: $info" } $path = if ($matches[3]) {$matches[3]} else {$matches[2]} $Far.Panel.GoToPath("$(Invoke-Native {git rev-parse --show-toplevel})\$path") } catch { Show-Error } } <# .Synopsis Switches to another branch. .Description The command shows the branch list. Select a branch to be set the current. If there are no branches the command prompts to create a new branch. #> function Invoke-FarGitCheckoutBranch { try { Assert-Git if (!($branch = Get-BranchOther)) { if (0 -eq (Show-FarMessage 'No other branches. Create?' -Buttons YesNo)) { Invoke-FarGitBranchCreate } return } $branch = $branch | Out-FarList -Title "Switch from $(Get-BranchCurrent)" if ($branch) { Invoke-Native {git checkout $branch} } } catch { Show-Error } } <# .Synopsis Merges another branch into the current. .Description The command shows the branch list. Select a branch to merge into the current. #> function Invoke-FarGitMergeBranch { try { Assert-Git if (!($branch = Get-BranchOther)) { Show-FarMessage 'No other branches.' return } $branch = $branch | Out-FarList -Title "Merge to $(Get-BranchCurrent)" if ($branch) { Invoke-Native {git merge $branch} } } catch { Show-Error } } <# .Synopsis Deletes another branch. .Parameter Force Tells to delete a branch irrespective of its merged status. .Description The command shows the branch list. Select a branch to be deleted. By default the branch must be fully merged in its upstream branch. Use the switch Force in order to delete a branch irrespective of its merged status. #> function Invoke-FarGitBranchDelete { [CmdletBinding()] param( [switch]$Force ) try { Assert-Git if (!($branch = Get-BranchOther)) { Show-FarMessage 'No other branches.' return } $branch = $branch | Out-FarList -Title 'Delete branch' if (!$branch) { return } $message = if ($Force) {"Delete branch $branch (force)"} else {"Delete branch $branch"} if (0 -ne (Show-FarMessage $message -Buttons YesNo -IsWarning:$Force)) { return } if ($Force) { Invoke-Native {git branch -D $branch} } else { Invoke-Native {git branch -d $branch} } } catch { Show-Error } } <# .Synopsis Creates a new branch and switches to it. .Description The command shows the input box. Enter the new branch name and press enter. #> function Invoke-FarGitBranchCreate { try { Assert-Git $currentBranch = Get-BranchCurrent $newBranch = if (('main', 'master') -ccontains $currentBranch) {''} else {$currentBranch} $newBranch = $Far.Input('Branch name', 'GitBranch', "New branch from $currentBranch", $newBranch) if ($newBranch) { Invoke-Native {git checkout -b $newBranch} } } catch { Show-Error } } <# .Synopsis Renames the current branch. .Description The command shows the input box with the current branch name. Enter the new branch name and press enter. #> function Invoke-FarGitBranchRename { param ( [switch]$DatePrefix ) try { Assert-Git $currentBranch = Get-BranchCurrent $newBranch = if ($DatePrefix -and $currentBranch -notmatch '^\d\d\d\d\d\d-') { '{0:yyMMdd}-{1}' -f (Get-Date), $currentBranch } else { $currentBranch } $newBranch = $Far.Input('Branch name', 'GitBranch', "Rename branch $currentBranch", $newBranch) if ($newBranch) { Invoke-Native {git branch -m $newBranch} } } catch { Show-Error } } <# .Synopsis Invokes git stash apply. .Description The command shows the stash list. Select a stash to be applied. #> function Invoke-FarGitStashApply { try { Assert-Git if ($stash = Select-StashName 'Apply stash') { Invoke-Native {git stash apply $stash} } } catch { Show-Error } } <# .Synopsis Invokes git stash drop. .Description The command shows the stash list. Select a stash to be dropped. #> function Invoke-FarGitStashDrop { try { Assert-Git if ($stash = Select-StashName 'Drop stash') { Invoke-Native {git stash drop $stash} } } catch { Show-Error } } <# .Synopsis Invokes git stash pop. .Description The command shows the stash list. Select a stash to be popped. #> function Invoke-FarGitStashPop { try { Assert-Git if ($stash = Select-StashName 'Pop stash') { Invoke-Native {git stash pop $stash} } } catch { Show-Error } } |