
Enum OfficeExtensions {

Enum MediaExtensions {

Class FakeFileGenerator {
    [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$FolderPath = $PSScriptRoot
    [int]$TotalSize = 1MB
    [Int]$NumberOfFiles = 5


        $SingleSize = $this.TotalSize / $this.NumberOfFiles
        $out = new-object byte[] $SingleSize
        $AllFiles = @()

        for ($i = $This.NumberOfFiles; $i -gt 0; $i--) {
            $FileNAme = $this.GetFileName()
            $FileFullPath = Join-Path -Path $this.FolderPath -ChildPath $FileName
            $Null = [IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($FileFullPath, $out)
            $AllFiles += [System.IO.FileInfo]$FileFullPath 
        Return $AllFiles

    [String] GetFileName(){
        $Array = (Get-Verb | Select-Object verb | Get-Random -Count 2).verb
        $FName = $Array -join ""
        Return ($FName + $This.GetExtension())

    [String] GetExtension(){
        REturn ( "." + ([Enum]::GetNames("OfficeExtensions") | Get-Random))

        $This.FolderPath = $FolderPath

        $this.TotalSize = $TotalSize

        $this.NumberOfFiles = $NumberOfFiles


Function New-FakeFile {
        Generates random files with meaningfull names of a specific total size.
        I wrote this function during a live coding session for psconfeu 2020 of a function to a class.
        This module represents the result of this exercise.
        The talk can be found here -> https://youtu.be/sQ8hnEovZpM
        By default, the function will create the file in the current directory ($pwd)
        New-FakeFile -NumberOfFiles 4 -TotalSize 32MB
        Author:Stephane van Gulick

        $NumberOfFiles = 1,
        $TotalSize = 1MB,
        $FolderPath = ($pwd).Path

    $Generator = [FakeFileGenerator]::New()
