
# Localized resources for xClusterPreferredOwner

ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    GetOwnerInformationForCluster = Retrieving owner information for cluster {0}.
    GetOwnerInformationForClusterGroup = Retrieving owner information for cluster role/group {0}.
    GetOwnerInformationForClusterResource = Retrieving owner information for cluster resource {0}.
    GetAllNodesOfCluster = Retrieving all nodes from cluster {0}.
    SetOwnerForClusterGroup = Setting owners for cluster role/group {0} to {1}.
    SetOwnerForClusterResource = Setting owners for cluster resource {0} to {1}.
    MoveClusterGroup = Moving cluster role/group {0} to node {1}.
    RemoveOwnerFromClusterGroup = Removing owners {1} from cluster role/group {0}.
    TestOwnerInformationForCluster = Testing Owner information for cluster {0}.
    WasFoundAsPossibleOwner = {0} was found as possible owner.
    WasNotFoundAsPossibleOwner = {0} was NOT found as possible owner.